Sunday, August 28, 2011


Vaginas. Vaginas are nasty. A vagina is far nastier than a penis. Objectively, taking out the bias of being a straight guy, a vagina is nastier. Don't get me wrong, peni are nasty, but not as nasty as vag. A penis at least has some sort of skin covering the entire unit, except for a tiny hole; vaginas have a gapping whole and are all wet 'n nasty inside! Cleary licking an open, smelly, wet, wound-like hole is nastier than licking some hard or soft skin sticking out from a man.

I don't think men are even naturally attracted to vaginas, I know I'm not! What I first found attractive about women were tits, ass, hair, legs, buttox, etc., not disgusting vaginas! Don't get me wrong, now it has come to a point where I desire vagina, I lust for it, if I see a hot girl at wal-mart I can't help but imagine myself diving tongue first and neck deep into that wet little cuch, and no matter how disgusting that vag-juice is, I wanna lick the fuck out of that clit and explore the insides of that dark, desirable pink hole. But this desire didn't come as natural as my desire for the less nasty parts of a hot woman's body. There has been a Pavlovian effect whereby I have slowly associated the vagina with the other parts of the naked female form and with sexual pleasure itself. Over time through porn and my first GFs(prostitutes), my brain has developed a fetish of the vagina because it knows how good that hole can make my penis feel. Every time I saw a vagina, I either felt the warm touch of my hand jacking my small little penis off, or, on the rare occasions where I had enough money to afford a prostitute, I felt the even warmer and much moister pleasure of a lose, slutty pussie gripping my tiny wood, so now I am actually attracted to the disgusting vagina itself. Now that I have developed this fetish for the vagina, the fact that pussies are so fucking nasty, makes them turn me on all the more in some kind of kinky fetish reaction.

But I still don't like hair! Don't get me wrong, my desire for the vagina is great enough that I can overcome the hair in order to lick the vag, buuuut I don't like it. It is just that in my mind the pleasure from satisfying my desire for eating some pun is much greater than the pain from having to eat some pubes. Now, you may protest, "but you said that vaginas are nasty and you only like them from a Pavlovian association, why didn't you associate vagina pubes with sex?". Well see, my first GFs(dirty fucking whores) and the girls in the porn that I watched when I first started masturbating regularly, all were shaven! So I associated pleasure with shaven vag! Not those lazy-ass harry bitches, so pun-hair is nasty to me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Asian Manikin!

I used to think all manikins were white or black. I never could believe that anyone would take the time to make an Asian manikin. It is one thing to make the color of a manikin black or white, but for an Asian manikin a lot of time and effort have to go into creating those slanty eyes. So I just assumed that there was no such thing as an Asian manikin, and everywhere I went my hypothesis was confirmed, all I saw were white or black manikins, mostly white.
But the other day, when I was at the Northeast mall with my delicious Indian friend, I saw it, an Asian manikin! They do exist! OMG! This was a huge revelation to me, and if there was one Asian manikin in the Northeast mall, then in China and Japan and all of Asia there must be thousands, maybe even millions of Asian manikins across the globe!!! This was a crazy eye-opener for me, and has changed the way I look at the world.

3 Forms of female attractiveness

When I creepily stare at women all day I have to categorize them in my mind. I like thinking about my categories so I am going to blog about them too. First of all, I realize that I say 3 kinds, but really there are kind of 4. The 4rth one is ugliness, and ugly is ugly is ugly, I don’t like to think about that kind, so I don’t count it. The 3 forms are: cuteness, beauty, and sexy/hotness. Now, no female really fits perfectly into a category, and most females have qualities of all three, but usually a female will primarily be of one category. These categories are kind of determined by the physical features and mannerisms of the female, but really, they are determined by the feelings I get inside myself when I look at them. Basically the cause and effect goes like this: physical features and mannerisms -> my feelings -> to my category, so I make determine the category based on what I feel, and the feelings is based on what I see and hear.
I like females who have any of the 3 attributes, but I’d have to say that cuteness is my favorite. Cuteness is the feelings inside of me that just makes me want to scream and roll up the creature in a little ball and hug her and pet her and say “Gooood giirrrrrl, goooood”. These feelings are brought upon by females that look adorable. These females usually don’t have the most perfect and voluptuous bodies but make up for it by being adorable. The best example of a cute female is a cute Japanese female. Many Japanese females don’t act and look super sexy or anything, but instead act and look adorable. Although a female of any ethnicity can be cute, Jap females are the best example. Cuteness is my favorite because for whatever reason right now I love really cute things, and an advantage over a hot female is that, with a hot female, if I’m not feeling horny, like if I just got done masturbating, then the hot female’s attractiveness temporarily goes way down to me, but a cute female’s attractiveness is always up. Also, as far as long term marriage goes, it is nearly impossible to maintain any level of hotness into old age, but some level of cuteness can be maintained for a long time, especially if the female is Asian.
Cuteness is the strangest and least understood category. What is so weird about it is I get this exact same feeling for cute animals and cute little kids as I do for adult females. Many times I measure a female’s cuteness in baby meowys; like how many baby meowys together her cuteness is equal to. Unlike the other two categories cuteness is not really a sexual attraction, and I do not think about sex on the top of my mind when feeling the feeling of cuteness. What is very strange is that although the feelings are the same as when I see a little girl or an animal, I have no desire to mate with a little girl or an animal, but I do with an adult cute female. Now, one obvious hypothesis is that my desire to mate is because the female still has a little bit of beauty and hotness in her and it is that that makes the difference, but the problem with that is that if a female is super cute, my desire to impregnate her is super high, so it correlates with her high levels of cuteness and not with her low hotness or beauty levels! It could be just simply that the cuteness desire for adult females is similar to that for little girls or animals, but is not the exact same. My leading theory is that the cuteness feeling in side me is the same, but for some reason if the female has at least a little beauty and sexiness levels, then my mind switches like a lever to allow myself to want to mate with them. If this theory is correct then that begs the question to whether this lever that stops me from desiring little girls and animals is in my mind naturally, or whether society pressures and teachings that I have grown up with have planted that lever in my mind. I don’t know, but either way, I think it is a good thing not to want to mate with little girls or animals, so I’m gonna let that lever be as is, lol.
Now to hotness/sexiness. A hot female is a female whose body and mannerisms elect an almost pure sexual response. This is not a female who makes me go “awwwwww” for her cuteness, or who I admire in amazement her beauty, this is a female who make me go, “DAMN!”. A female with a high hot/sexy level just makes me think about licking them up and down and banging the shit out of them. A good stripper or a hot car model is a good example of this. A hot female will have a good body. This can mean a nice ass, sexy legs, giant tits, or best of all, all three! A female’s face can be sexy too. Some females just have that face that looks like they want to mate. This face can be natural, or purposely made by the female, or both.
There can be horny times when a hot/sexy female is my favorite type of female, but for the most part I find this type intimidating and scary. Also, usually a hot female will need to dress very sluty to show off her hotness, and although I have nothing against sluts, I tend to not like them as much as females who appear to not be sluts.
Now on to the final category, beauty. Beauty is kind of a mixture of hotness and cuteness. Beauty doesn’t instantly make me want to mate with the female or make me say, “Aawwwwwww”, but a female with a high beauty level makes me admire her as a great creation. I know I should admire the other types as a great creation too, but that is just not the feeling I get. I admire beautiful females like the Greeks admired the greatness of the human body. With the other two categories the body and face both can make a female hot or cute, but when it comes to beauty, it is mainly the face and hair that make a female beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, if she is incredibly fat that ruins everything, but it is just that the body is not the focus. With a beautiful female the face doesn’t look particularly cute or sexy, but just beautiful, and it seems that that look is in between the other two. Like if I imagine a cute female’s face morphing into a hot one’s, half way through the morph, the face will be a beautiful face.
When I see a female my mind automatically calculates the beauty, hotness, and cuteness levels of that female. Sometimes in my head it looks like a bar graph with 3 bars that move up and down for a second like the bars on a VCR, but then they stop at the calculated levels. There are no specific numbers associated with the levels though. My mind does this automatically even in a professional situation, but in a professional situation my mind just does not dwell on the calculation, while in a more lax situation I may or may not think about it more. These calculations can change over time as I see more of the female, and sometimes a good personality will actually give the female higher ratings for some reason. I guess if I like the person my mind overlooks her downsides and exaggerates her positives.
As I said before, every non-ugly female has some amount of all three in them, and the females that look the most amazing to me are ones that have high levels of 2 different categories. These females are rare and are an amazing site. Most of the time when I identify a female as one of these rare, splendorous beauties, I later realize that I exaggerated one of the categories at first glance, but some females, even after careful examination remain high in more than one category. I just realized, while writing this, that I do not have a name for these types of females. I need one, but at the top of my head a good word does not come to mind.
Welp, I think that sums it up good enough, so I’m gonna stop writing now.

Little Japanese Girl Bands

I love little Japanese girl bands. They dance and sing to really fast uplifting music and the little girls are soooo cute. It is great, seriously, super fast uplifting music + cute little Jap girls = me with a giant smile on my face. The music by itself is pretty good as the girls have cute voices and the music is catchy, but where these type of bands really shine is the music videos. The music videos are done real well and professionally, as a company that is making tons of money off these girls funds the production I am sure. In the videos the girls always have an interesting dance and it is very well choreographed and it is fun to watch the cute girls do their cute lil dance moves. I watch a good little Japanese girl band music video for hours upon hours, these videos fill my heart with glree and happiness. They are pretty much what I live for. Really, when I watch a music video for 100+ times I notice new things, there is so much going on, and sometimes I will find new things a girl does that is cute. It is also fun to memorize the dances my self and do them in my room when no one is looking.

Looking at the girls in these bands gives me the same feeling when looking at a super cute baby meowy, which is just a rush of “awwwwwwwwwww” in a high pitch noise in my head. It really does please me, and it is nothing less than genius to put a group of these girls together and have them sing and dance to good music, GENIUS!

My favorite two bands, and by favorite two I mean the only two that I have actually heard of, are Hinoi Team and Morning Musume. Hinoi Team is a group of four cute little Japanese girls whose leader is named Hinoi. Morning Musume is a highly commercialized band with 11-14 members in it, and these members are often changed a lot as members get too old. These girls range in ages from about 8-17 roughly. Morning Musume means “morning sister” in Japanese, and for a long time I thought the name was Morning Museum, lol. I actually discovered Morning Musume because one of their songs was said to have been copied from a 1979 German Disco Pop Band called Dschinghis Khan. I discovered Morning Musume but really did not like them incredibly a lot and didn’t fall in love with them until a few years after their discovery, but now I love them, they have a plethora of good music videos and because there are soooo many girls in the band it just looks so crazy seeing all the lil cute Japanese girls jumping around, and dancing, and singing.

In between my discovery and falling in love with Morning Musume I discovered Hinoi Team. They don’t have as many music videos as Morning Musume, but the first video that I discovered of them is the best little girl Japanese song ever made, so overall I say they are not just on par with Morning Musume, but better! I was shown this video, Night of Fire, by a good man named Kuta, and at first I was just like, “woaaa, cute lil Japanese girls dancing to super fast hilarious music”, but I was not instantly in love with it. But then after watching it about 10 times I started to fall in love with the video. A great moment with the song Night of Fire is when I and 9 other people ran the WOW instance UBRS really really shittily and while playing this song over vent the whole time. We all didn’t really try and should have died so many time, especially against the final boss, but somehow we did now and we prevailed and did not die once with the angel that is Night of Fire on our side.

What is so great and unique about Hinoi Team is that for some of their videos they have this fat Japanese guy who wears stupid outfits like Speedos who dances with them! He looks so dumb, and he blatantly looks out of place dancing with them; the girls’ moves are all crisp and his seem slower and sloppier. He makes really dumb faces and stuff, and in one video he eats part of a hot dog and throws the rest of it over his shoulder and makes a really dumb face that makes me scream in giddy joy every time I see it. Unfortunately the fat guy is no longer with the band, one of the girls even cried during the last time they performed together, awwwwwwwww.

Almost all of Hinoi Team’s songs are covers of Euro-beat songs. Euro-beat is like fast faced European songs. These Euro-beat songs are kind of “Meh” on their own. Some are okay, but with Hinoi Team doing them, OMG, it is amazing. The formula goes like this, “Euro-Beat songs + cute lil Jap girls = Musical Gold.

Now, Hinoi team doesn’t retire their members like Morning Musume, and this means they are getting close to being adults. When I first discovered Hinoi Team the girls were ages 13 and 14, but now they are ages 15 and 16 (2 of each, it is a 4 girl band btw). And in one of their more recent videos they dance much more provocatively. They are still really cute, but they are starting to lean more towards the side of sexy. They were always a little sexy, but before they were so young and their cuteness waaaay overwhelmed their sexy attraction. Now, with not just their age but the type of dancing they do, Hinoi Team is becoming more like an American band with sexy girls who dress and dance all hot and sluty. With their newest video my penis gets just as excited watching it as my cuteness receptor in my brain. It is weird, but they are still really cute, I am curious how the band will evolve, although it will probably just dissolve soon, as they will be too old, and the girls will try their hands on single careers. The leader, Hinoi, already has single career, but the type of music these cute little Jap girls do by themselves is usually: slower, less cute, and is just not the same. They are cuter in a group. For me to love them it has to be a group of cute Japanese girls singing, not just one.

While typing this, I had the song Sexy Boy by Morning Musume playing in the background the whole time, tee hee!

BTW, the image is Reina Tanaka from Morning Musume in the song Sexy Boy, I love that little thumbs up she gives during that music video, so cute!!!!

Tentacle Porn

God Damn those crazy Japs and their weird fetishes. I have always laughed incredibly hard at tentacle Hentai pron which is Japanamation porn where tentacles rape girls, but now I have found a plethora of real life octopus porn!!! It is great, I think I have fallen head over heals in love with it.

This shit goes way back in time too, apparently some Jap named Hokusai, who lived during Edo period in Japan, made some wood cut art work called The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife (seen in the pic above). There is some legend about a Sea Dragon King that goes along with the painting too.

Real life octopus porn even predates tentacle hentai pron! Supposedly a Jap made the original tentacle porn movie to get around the censorship of the penis in Japan because it was not illegal to show a tentacle penetrating a vagina.

This stuff is great, usually it is rape too. I guess Japs just love the idea of some crazy monster or creature holding them down and raping the shit out of them. I can’t really understand it, but then again, I’m not a girl, so I can never know how good it feels to have an octopus explore around the innards of my Vagina, but I just enjoy to laugh at it and it is a good time waster when I am bored.

LOL, what will those crazy Japs think up next!

"The Two Kingdoms of Vietalia"


“For too long our peoples who share this wonderful land of Vietalia have shed each others blood for petty reasons”, King William declared, “after 300 years of war and on and off weak cease fires, today we have finally laid the grounds for peace!” Applause broke out from the small assembly of guards and advisors to the two kings. “We of course still have some minor negotiations to finish in the weeks to come,” King William continued, “and I know you, King Preedum, as do I have a kingdom to run, but next month I propose we meet again to finalize peace between our 2 kingdoms for the first time in 300 years.”
King William held out his hand to King Preedum and king Preedum grasped it firmly saying, “Yes, peace we shall have, my friend, we will be signing peace between our two kingdoms next month.” Applause broke out and knights and advisors from each side shook each others’ hands and bid each other farewell.
Their meeting was held in a quiet grove just outside a border gold mine that had been a spark for so many wars in the past. King William felt great joy in his heart, he was about to accomplish what many have thought impossible, peace between his Kuzian kingdom and the Preedidium kingdom. The two kingdoms make up the land of Vietalia which is a lush land cut off from the rest of the world by mountains that surround it. Over 300 years ago the kingdoms were united by an emperor who ruled over both lands, but when the last emperor died without an heir, the kings of 2 kingdoms could just not get along. Previous rulers’ hot heads and contempt for each other have made peace only a dream, but since King William took the crown 30 years ago he has sought peace and reconciliation. The 30 year cease fire which he made at the start of his kingship had been the longest made since the kingdoms fell into war with each other 300 years ago.
King William mounted his horse gracefully, he was 53 years old, but is in great shape and could easily pass for 40 or even younger. His curly brown hair and thick beard only had strains of grey in it, and right now shinning out of that beard was a huge smile. He pulled his horse up to his young, big headed son, Ryulan. “See son, look what a level head and a gentle hand can get you, peace, peace and prosperity.”
“Father you are a grand peacemaker, I only hope the untrustful Preedidiums stick to the peace we make next month.” King William loved his son, he was a loyal and courageous warrior. His large stature and giant head made him one of the best knights in the Kuzian Kingdom, but King William worried that there was too much thickness in that head and not enough brains. Ryulan was quick to anger and had trouble understanding complicated concepts. His son’s questionable king abilities made King William anxious about the fate of his kingdom after he died.
They continued slowly trotting down the road back to their castle on horse back. “Son how has your time spent with Gloria? She is a very pretty and gifted girl.” King William’s plan for his son to rule was to get him married to a very intelligent queen who could run the kingdom behind the scenes, so far his efforts had failed. Ryulan replied, “she is a pretty girl father, but she is too wimpy for me, she just isn’t my type, we had some fun, but I need a stronger woman”
“You know there is no woman out there as strong as you, my son. Your desire for a strong companion can be quelled by your friends, Thomas is all the strength a king needs in his life”.
“Oh you know I love Thomas father, but I need my woman to be strong too, don’t worry father, I’ll find my woman all in good time”. King William sighed contently, glad that it appeared that at least one major challenge of his kingdom was being overcome.
Meanwhile King Preedum and his party were also trotting home. The royalty of the Preedidium Kingdom are of a different color than the rest of the people of Vietalia. While the general populace is white, the Preedidium royal family has browner skin, and black, cotton-like hair. The women symbolically wear red dots in the middle of their foreheads and wear golden bangles around their necks and wrists. The members of the Preedidium dynasty are supposedly the descendents of great brown Gods who moved in and claimed the kingdom of Preedidium theirs 3000 years ago.
King Preedum was accompanied by his feisty and beautiful daughter, Princess Priya. “Father, it has been years since I have toured this part of the country side, I am going to take my knights and let the people see their beautiful princess.”
“Don’t you have business to be doing back at the castle”, King Preedum replied.
“Father, there will be plenty of time for that later”, she turned her head to her knights, “my knights we turn off here, lets ride!” King Preedum sighed; he tired easily those days and just did not have the energy to try to control his daughter anymore, much less his kingdom.
Princess Priya was arrogant and strong willed, but actually made for a great leader. She was in charge of the most elite knights of her country, her royal guard. She had excellent horsemanship herself, but she was not a fighter, she commanded them from a distance when the time arrived for up close and personal, bloody battle. Priya was a beautiful young princess; she had long, flowing black hair and a smile to die for. She wore traditional female royalty dress even when on horse back with her knights all day. She and her knights sped off on a path to the left of the king’s party and then slowed down a little bit after riding fast for a few minutes.
Priya and her knights took a small dirt path that was surrounded by thick woods. They traveled for half an hour when Priya ordered, “Knights, I want you to take a load off and rest here along this path”. The elite knights were glad to get a rest, but felt some resentment at the reason why they were lead away from business, off on this stray path. “Aaronion, I need to have a word with you, walk with me”, commanded Priya. Aaronion was the leader of the royal elite guard. He was the finest knight in all the land. He did not have the brute force of someone like the big headed Ryulan, but his skills were superb. He was a charm to the ladies as well. He had the perfect body that all the men wish they had and all the women wished they could touch. He spoke with great confidence and clarity, and with his golden locks and beautiful white smile, he was irresistible to the ladies. Even to royalty.
Aaronion and Priya began to walk together. “My lady, what is it I can help you with”. “shhhhhhh”, Priya replied, “just walk”. “My lady, you know I adore you, and would lay my life down for you in a moment, but how long can this go on in secret?, the men know what is going on, hell, the whole kingdom knows, the whole kingdom except for your father. And you know brown royalty should not mix with common men.”
“Oh Aaronion, we are not really mixing, we are just playing, I could never marry a knight.” Aaronion enjoyed all the good times he spent with Priya, how could he not, she was a beautiful strong woman who knew how to make him feel like no other woman could, but at the same time, he resented her, he did not love her, and nor she him, and although all the ladies in the kingdom screamed for Aaronion’s love, he was far too noble a knight to make love to a woman he is not married to and not feel disturbed over it. He did it for Priya just because she is the Princess, and he is sworn to obey her every command.
“Yes my lady?”.
Princess Priya quickly cupped Aaronion’s genitals making him jump with surprise, and then she pushed him off the road into a clearing a few yards away from the road. Then, they “played”.
Priya’s knights sat around half a mile from Priya’s location talking and joking with each other when they saw Ryulan and his elite knights racing by them in the direction of the princess. The knights were startled, but quickly threw on their helmets, jumped on their horses, and raced after Ryulan, who had a nice head start on them.
Priya and Aaronion laid together naked in the clearing. Their clothes and armor laid in a pile near the edge of the clearing. There, a heavy-set balding man of Preedidium royal family ethnicity, wearing a black robe with a large standing up collar, grabbed an expensive-looking necklace from the pile, and then he snuck off with no one noticing.
Moments later Ryulan and his knights came roaring in. Aaronion and Priya awoke startled. Ryulan dismounted and rummaged through the queens clothes and Aaronion’s armor.
“Get away from royal property you fool!”, yelled Aaronion. Aaronion, still naked, grabbed his sword which lay next to him and ran towards Ryulan. Ryulan jumped back onto his horse and he and his knights road off. Aaronion yelled, “Princess, check your belongings see what that Kuzian scum stole!”
They both searched through the clothing and quickly got dressed. The group of Priya’s knights then arrived. “My lady, are you alright!”, a knight asked from his horse. “My necklace! That bastard stole it!”, screamed Priya. “Not the Preestonia stone!?” shouted Aaronion.
“Yes, that is the only necklace I was wearing, that necklace and stone have been in my family for generations! It was crafted by the Gods themselves! How dare he!?” Princess Priya was infuriated. Aaronioan and her quickly got on their horses which the knights brought with them. “To Kuzia!, it is time to take some assets of our own!” She declared.
She road off. As she road off the man in the robe chuckled, he made a motion with his hand and there appeared Ryulan and his knights. The man spoke, “good work Ryuan, ha ha ha!, that fool truly believed it was you! Ha ha!”, as he animatedly talked, his double chin rolled like waves in the ocean. At the closing of his fist the illusion that was Ryulan once again disappeared.
Ryulan quickly deflected a quick series of sword blows and then leaped forward with his gigantic armored head first and knocked his opponent to the ground and held his sword to the man’s throat. His opponent opened his visor and said, “Nice move my friend, I thought I had you for a second there”.
“Oh Thomas, you are quick, but not that quick, you stick to the military strategy and logistics, let me worry about being a bad ass.” They both laughed. Thomas and Ryulan were probably the two finest knights in the Kuzian Kingdom, and they have been training together since they were both old enough to hold a sword.
A messenger ran in to their training courtyard, “Ryulan, I have an important message to deliver to your father, you need to hear this too, come.” Ryulan and Thomas quickly followed the messenger to the throne room.
“King William, Princess Priya has raided our gold mines and towns. They have taken at least 40 of your subjects captive and have stolen much gold”.
“Whaaaaaaaat!? How dare they!” bellowed Ryulan. “They will pay for this insult, Thomas, summon my knights, two can play at this game!”
Ryulan stormed out of the throne room, King William shouted to him, “Wait!” His shout fell on deaf ears, Ryulan continued to storm out. King William said to Thomas, “Go with him, make sure no innocents are killed, at the most capture gold, I want no hostages.” “Yes sire”, said Thomas as he spinned around and ran out of the room. Now the king turned to the messenger, “Deliver this message to king Preedum with due haste”
“Yes sire.”.
“Tell him that we are outraged that there has been an unprovoked raid on our lands and that we demand our gold and people back. Tell him that I want meeting between him and I as soon as possible to figure out what is going on around here.”
“Yes sire!”. The messenger quickly ran out of the throne room.
King Preedum was anxious to hear what in the world had gotten into his daughter as she and her knights entered the castle. He ran down and met her in the courtyard. “What is the meaning of this! Why have you attacked the Kuzians when we are on the verge of a historic peace!?”
“Father! That bastard Ryulan stole the Preestonia stone!”
“How do you know this, why would he do such a thing?” the king replied.
“I saw him with my own eyes; him and his knights did it, and ran off, Aaronion saw him too, they must return the necklace!”
Aaronion spoke, “Sire, I saw this as well, he stole the heirloom”
“How did Ryulan even get close enough to the Princess to do such a thing!?”
For the first time since the necklace was stolen Priya fell out of her furious rage, “Uhhhhhhhhh”, she stammered.
Aaronion said, “That isn’t important, what matters is how we get it back”
King Preedum was about ready to retire to a life of fishing and watching pretty girls dance for him, he was looking forward to his retirement knowing that his kingdom would be in peace. This was horrible news to him and he did not know what to do about it. For half a decade his daughter and his kingdom’s arch magician, Akanksha, have basically ran the kingdom. Akanksha had always been his top advisor and ran the Preedidium School of Magic. Akanksha was a tall, gangly man of Preedidium royal decent. He usually had a day old shaving job and wore a large purple turbin with 3 huge white feathers coming out of the front of it and it had a red rube in the middle of the hat right below the feathers.
Akanksha is usually at the king’s side, he spoke, “My king, my lady, let us not take any sudden action, let us be calm and collective and think with a cool head. We have already achieved vengeance and have captured gold and people which can be used as powerful bargaining tools. We must seek contact with King William, he wants peace more than anyone, he will surely work with us to solve this crisis.”
The King agreed.
Ryulan and his knights had a successful raid on Preedidium border mining towns and stole a lot of gold, but now arrangements have been made and the two kings, with their advisors and royal guards were once again meeting in the grove in which they met under different circumstances just a week ago. A week ago happiness was in the air as both parties expected good fortune in their futures. Today, the air was filled with anger and confusion as no one quite knew how the peace that felt so close had been shattered.
The two kings stepped toward each other as their parties remained a few feet behind their kings. As the two kings greeted each other warmly, Princess Priya screamed, “Give me back my Preestonia stone you big headed ogre!” Ryulan looked confused as did everyone from the Kuzian kingdom.
King William said, “What is your young daughter talking about, Preedum?”
“William!”, King Preedum shouted with a raised voice, he then stopped and collected himself for a moment and said slowly, “Don’t play games with me, she is talking about the criminal act committed by your son that started this whole mess.”.
King William responded, “Prince Ryulan has been with me on our journey back to our castle and since we arrived has remained in the castle, your daughter is mistaken.”
Priya stepped up to the kings, yelling, “The noble knight Aaronion also saw the criminal act, you Kuzians are just trying to pull wool over our eyes for your own monetary gain! Give me back the necklace, and all the gold stolen on your son’s unjust raid or face the wrath of our armies!”
King William was truly shocked by the furious anger of the young princess. “My lady, we will gladly give back the gold in exchange for our captured subjects and the gold you stole, but about the necklace, I swear upon my noble name that we did not take it.”
Priya was more angry than ever, “How dare you mock us and pretend like everything is all right and that you and your son are innocent, do you take us for fools!? If I do not see my necklace in my hand in 10 seconds then prepare to have your kingdom destroyed at the hands of my armies!”
Everyone looked around shocked at the aggressiveness of the princess.
She started counting, “10, 9, 8”
King William could not believe this, “My lady, king Preedum, come to your senses, we have no necklace! We can’t give you what we don’t have!”
She continued counting even as he spoke, “7, 6, 5, 4”
King Preedum was stunned, he did not want this, but he could not understand why King William and his son would play such treachery. He wanted a break, we wanted to sit down and listen to some music and decide what to do, but there was no time for that, he just stood there stunned, and let the fury of his daughter take over.
“Your Princess has gone mad!”, someone yelled from the Kuzian party.
“3, 2, 1, you have just brought on the destruction of your people.”, the princess declared as she slapped King William in the face with much force, turning his head to the side and sending saliva flying.
King William touched his hand to his face where he had just been surprised slapped and responded, “This is a dark day”. He quickly motioned his people to prepare to leave. Both sides mounted and sped off toward their perspective castles. The trip back home a week ago was like a pleasant and slow vacation through the country. This trip wasn’t pleasant at all, as the leaders of their countries moved fast and urgent to get home and prepare for war.
Arch Magician Akanksha was shocked to learn the horrible news and complained to his king and princess, “We have been at a cease fire for 30 years! With both armies not facing any attrition in such a long time, they are undepleted and at full strength, think of the blood shed! What happened to being calm and collective and thinking with a cool head!?”.
He was clearly yelling at the Princess, not the king, as they walked through the castle halls to check on the status of the armory. The Princess ignored his complaints, and kept walking.
Akanksha continued, “The deaths of all these people will be on your head! Who knows when we can achieve another cease fire!”
The Princess stopped waking, and following her lead, so did the king and the magician. “Akanksha, there will be no need for a cease fire, this is the first time we have been in a hot war since I have been at the helm of this kingdom’s armies, and we will be accepting the unconditional surrender of the Kuzian scum within a month, I will have Ryulan’s head on a pike in front of my window. Now help me organize this kingdom for the march we have in front of us tomorrow, and stop your wimpy whining!”.
Akanksha looked shocked. He and the Princess had practically run the kingdom for the last five years, but for the first time she had really acted like she was in charge. The king just stood there and said nothing, he clearly was not up to the task of ruling anymore. Before this crisis Akanksha and the Princess just ran separate areas of the kingdom, but it now appeared that she was starting to rule as Queen, and he was her subordinate. After a brief pause Akanksha said, “Yes my lady, I will help you win this war against our enemies, all I ask is that we make sure we think before we act.”
There was a butt load of activity in King William’s throne room, with people running in and out preparing for the army’s march the next morning. King William assembled his top advisors to decide on a strategy. Their meeting was interrupted by the sorcerer Jakeilian who was followed by his 2 mistress sorceresses Illeesia and Illaria. Jakeilian was a sly sorcerer who was allied with King William, but whose loyalty has always been questionable. He was a thin, averaged height man with black hair and thin facial hair around his mouth that stretched out into a pointy go-tee. He almost always wore black pants, a dark colored tunic, and a black cape. The two sorceresses always wore very scanty clothes that exposed their sexy bodies. Illessia was a sorceress of poison and snakes, she looked Asian and wore sexy dark green outfits that usually revealed her flat stomach and always revealed cleavage. Many times her long, black, and beautiful hair would curl up like a snake and strike into the air for no reason. The hair didn’t necessarily do this all together, each strand of hair acted individually. She had a habit of flipping and fluttering her tongue out of her mouth just as a snake would, and sometimes extends her “s”es when she talks. Illaria was a sorceress of fire, she had long, wavy blonde hair and wore sexy red outfits that show off her giant breasts. She had a habit of licking herself and her hands like a meowy would, and many times meowed and hissed when she talked.
Jakeilian shouted in his classic kind of high pitch weasely sounding voice that only a deceptive douche bag could have, “Kiiiiiiing, oh my kiiiiiing! I have the power to soundly defeat the enemies of our glorious kingdom.”
Ryulan replied, “Get out of here fool! We have a war to win!”
Jakeilian responded, “Yes, and win is what I plan to do for you. As you know steal is not the only weapon in this world, it is a 2nd class weapon when compared to magic that uses the royal blood of a king or prince as its source of power!” Jake held his hands up in the air and moved his whole body as if grasping and feeling power when he said the word power. His mistresses moaned in delight at the words of their leader and rubbed him with their hands.
King William was not fond of Jakeilian or his witches, but he considered Jakeilian a friend and an ally never the less, and was willing to use any help possible to ensure victory over the Preedidium Kingdom. The king said, “Ryulan, calm down, tomorrow there will most likely be a great battle on the Field of the Dead where our two kingdoms have fought many times before. The armies will be very large on both sides, I suspect tomorrow will be the bloodiest day Vietalia has seen in a long time, maybe ever. If we can use magic to win the day that much easier, we may just save a lot of Kuzian lives. What do you have in mind Jakeilian?”
“I’m so glad u asked sire, I have developed a spell that will burn the enemy army alive, destroying it where it stands, not a single Kuzian will have to die in the initial major, and most important, battle. I call the spell fire storm. The name of the spell is very telling, I can unleash a storm of fire upon the enemy armies, this fire will burn through skin and armor and win us the day.”
King William hated the idea of killing so many people, but war is war, and he had no choice but to be interested in the idea that could save Kuzian lives. King William said, “How will you come up with that much power?”
Jakeilian pointed at William and said, “You”. The advisers watched silently and attentively, after a short pause, Jakeilian went on, “I need royal blood, with that blood I will have the power to make this spell work”. Jakeillian tossed the king a cup that Jakeilian had in his tunic, and said, “for the Kuzian Kingdom my king, for the Kuzian kingdom.”
Ryulan protested, “No father!, we can not trust this evil sorcerer, just look at the filthy witches that he leads around our royal quarters!”
King William replied, “Son, I know Jakeilian has a lot of problems, but I trust him, and I will not have my kingdom be threatened by outside sources. We must do this to ensure victory.” King William then took out a dagger and cut his hand and drained blood into the cup. He handed the cup back to Jakeilian and said, “Go now, prepare your spell, be prepared to march with the army and I tomorrow, it is possible that your spell will not work as planed, so I still have a war to plan.”
Jakeilian replied, “Thank you my king, be cautious and plan your battle strategy, but I can guarantee you that the great battle will never take place, you have assured your victory by your decision today. Let us go my ladies.” The sorceresses laughed and screamed evilly and followed Jakeilian out of the chamber. Ryulan and many advisors shook their heads in disgust at the sorceresses’ loud and annoying outburst. When these witches laughed and scream they sort of smiled and made kind of an evil and sexy face at the same time, and this face drove Ryulan crazy, he wanted crush their skulls under the weight of his giant head.
Jakeilian went right to work when he arrived at his lab, but before he started working on his masterful spell, he poured half of the blood into a container and put it in his pocket and said to his sorceresses, “My pretties, we shall save half of this for something more useful he he heeee”. They laughed with him evilly rubbed him sensually.
It was about a 2-day march for each army to reach the Field of Death, which is a large clearing just barley on the Preedidium said of the border. Its location between the two kingdoms, and the fact that it is a large open field which gives no major advantages to either side, are why for the last 300 years almost all of the largest battles were fought on this field. It has practically become a tradition for the armies of each kingdom to meet here when a war breaks out after a cease fire.
The wars between the two kingdoms have been like a giant cycle for the last 300 years. Usually one side will have a slight victory on this field, and then the other side goes on the defense. As one side tries to march and advance into the lands of the other kingdom, the toll of attrition wears away any advantage that was gained during the initial battle. Then the leader of the advancing army would be foolish to try to take on the enemy castle to win the war, and also can not let his army suffer at the hands of enemy raids upon not just the army, but also the lengthy supply line. The defender knows the lands too well, so the advancing army must fall back to his own lands. Then a very temporary cease fire is signed, and the armies rebuild for the next outbreak of hostilities which is doomed to come. That is the cycle of war that has been going on in this once peaceful land of Vietalia for the last 300 years.
Once again the armies lined up across from one another as so many armies from these two kingdoms have in the past. Each army consisted of about 10,000 men, and had a battalion of archers and a Calvary regiment, but most of each army consisted of infantry carrying pikes or sword and shield. Although each side had its royal guard and a handful of knights, the vast majority of each army were conscripts whose primary career was not war, and they came together for training sessions lasting a few weeks a couple times a year to be somewhat prepared. The soldiers were all brave and all loyal to their king, it was rare to see an uncalled for retreat in a battle between these two kingdoms, so battles could be long and bloody if a loosing army didn’t call a tactical retreat.
King William and Prince Ryulan rode out to the center of the field, as did King Preedum and Princess Priya. King William was confident that Jakeilian’s spell would pull through and said, “King Preedum, my army has new ways since we have had war between our kingdoms, I fear for the lives of your men, this does not have to happen, turn your army around and go home, save the lives of your men”.
King Preedum replied, “Threats don’t scare me, William. You know the only thing that will prevent this war is an apology and a return of my daughter’s necklace that has been in our family for generations”
King William replied empathetically, “Preedum, I’m sorry my word means so little to you, my son and I have no such necklace, I’m sorry things have to be this way, but let me promise, this war will not be long, it will be shorto and decisive, and for the lives of your people that will die in this war, I am deeply, deeply, sorry.” After King William spoke, he turned his horse around and trotted back to his army, as did the other king, and the prince, and princess. King William gave a nod to Jakeilian to cast the spell.
Jakeilian had prepared the spell before the army left, he pulled out the cup of blood, moved his hands and fingers quickly around the cup which magically floated between his hands while he said words in a mysterious tongue. Horns from the Preedidium army sounded and the army cheered as the front lines began to march forward. Then from the cloudless sky rained great balls of fire right over the Preedidium army. The balls of fire ranged from 2 feet to 2 yards in diameter and hit with tremendous force. Anyone that was directly hit by the ball was instantly set ablaze, the heat of the fire burnt right through even the toughest armor in seconds. The once cheering and marching army was instantly decimated and the only sounds that came from it were horrifying screams. Thousands of men died in seconds. Men hit indirectly by the fire balls suffered the worse fate as their death was slow. Some brave men tried to carry their wounded brethren to safety, only to have the melting skin of their comrade ripped off into their hands. King Preedum looked around in horror and called for a retreat. Men dropped their weapons and shields and ran like hell for the forest behind them. The Kuzian army watched in silent amazement as the once intimidating army of 10,000 men was reduced to a fleeing army of no more than 2,000.
“My God”, King William murmured to himself as he watched the result of Jakeilian’s devastating spell. He knew that with the Preedidium army so decimated he could end the wars of Vietalia once and for all and unite the land under his banner, but he still was horrified by the great death that had to take place in the process. He did not want this, King William had fought his whole life for peace and reconciliation, and all of a sudden he had to have the blood of thousands on his hands all because his son was accused of stealing a worthless necklace! He was horrified, but had to hold his composure, as he had an army to lead and a war to wage.
The cup of blood was still floating in-between Jakeilian’s hands as he stood with every muscle fully flexed and his hands half cupped with his fingers pointing towards the sky. His sorceresses were laughing wildly at the death and destruction that their master had unleashed. Then the cup, now empty, fell to the ground and Jakeilian fell to his hands as knees, breathing heavily. His witches came to him, rubbing his torso and arms sensually saying, “Ohhh master, you are so powerful and grand, meow”, “Yesssssssssssss, massssssster, you are the greatessssst magician to ever walk the Earth”
The rain of fire stopped, and the only noise to be heard was the heavy breathing of Jakeilians breath, and the only sight to be seen, was a mass of burned bodies on the other side of the field. There was a moment of silence as the Kuzian army soaked in what just happened. Then the noise of a horse walking from the back to the front of the army was heard. The men brought their attention from the horrifying dead masses to their king who was now in front of them.
“Men, for 300 years we have spilled the blood of our enemies and they have spilt ours. Now with our great victory, this spilling of blood will soon be no more! We shall continue our march, and will not stop marching until we have defeated the Preedidium Kingdom once and for all!” Cheers let loose from the army.
As the army began to prepare for their march, King William talked to a messenger and ordered him to tell the siege engine operators to be wheel their siege engines to the front lines. Over King William’s 30 years of peace making he knew the day might come when his peace agenda failed and war would come again. So he had poured much treasury into developing the technology for improved weapons of war. His engineers had developed great ballistas and catapults that fire larger ammunition farther than any built before. He did not bring them to this battle because he did not want them damaged and because they were built for siege warfare. Although he hated all the bloodshed, he felt kind of weird that he had a great desire to see how well the siege weapons worked. He was truly interested in their designs and he hoped they would make a swift end to this war.
Three days later King Preedum, his daughter, the remnants of their army, and as many townsfolk as could fit were sitting scared behind the strong walls of Castle Preedidium. The castle was completely surrounded by the forces of the Kuzian kingdom, the castle was cut off, and tower guards could now see great siege weapons being positioned to do maximum damage.
King William had a strong feeling of excitement as he saw his siege weapons being positioned and he watched his army completely surround his kingdom’s long fought enemy. He knew that even with more advanced siege weapons, the great walls of his enemy’s castle would not fall quickly. The walls of Castle Preedidium were thick, high, and even after winning a great victory, intimidating. They glistened their clean white color in the evening sky. The Castle consisted of a huge outer wall, then another middle wall half the distance between the outer wall and the center of the castle, and then an inner keep wall. Along all 3 walls were many tall, white towers.
With his new weaponry King William hoped to have breached and be storming the final keep wall in 2 weeks, which would be an amazing time. The Castle was built to be able to stand under siege for 5 years. The Strength of the walls and a catacomb of underground food storage allowed for this. King William planned on decimating all three walls with the range of his weapons before sending in a single infantry charge. He planed to knock out the towers first, going from outer towers to the inner ones because the towers gave Preedidium archers great range and allowed his enemy to more easily monitor his movement of troops. Inside the castle was a small amount of siege equipment to counter an enemy siege with, but those siege engines were vastly inferior to the weapons of King William, and much smaller in number.
The defense strategy of castle Preedidium was always to out last the enemy, make raids, pester supply lines, and eventually have an outside force and/or the garrisoned castle force to defeat the tired enemy army. Both kings knew that would not happen today. The Preedidium army was just too decimated, and the new siege weaponry would make for a much quicker siege. King William was very confident about his victory and was already thinking about the aftermath and how he was going to treat his new citizens with kindness to warm them up to their new king, he was pondering these difficulties when he saw a small girl just leaving the edge of the Kuzian lines and entering the field between those lines and the Preedidium Castle wall.
“Stooooooop!” King William yelled as he stirred his horse towards the men that let the little girl pass. “I told you to let no one through, I don’t care how innocent she looks, she could be delivering valuable information!”
King William was too late, the girl was in no-man’s land now and was within the safety of Preedidium tower archer range.
The little girl walked up to the great, white wall and yelled in her high pitch voice, “Let me in let me in! please help me!” A soldier threw down a rope ladder and the little girl scampered up. Once in the outer court yard the little girl’s skin began to shimmer in white light, then a puff of yellow light grew from feet to head of the little girl that made it so the little girl could not be seen at all. When the light cleared there stood a hefty man in a dark robe, the same man that stole Princess Priya’s necklace and the Preestonia stone it carried.
“Take me to the king and the Princess” said the man.
“Come with me” a guard replied.
The man went with the guard and was given access to the king. The King sat on his throne, with Princess Priya on his left and Arch Magician Akanksha on his right.
“Dark Illusionist Jagannath, I thought we would never see you again until you have brought down my Preedidium Magic School, and I was begging for your forgiveness for being so foolish.” Said Akanksha with spite.
“Oh Akanksha, you ruin your students by narrow mindedly teaching them your inferior forms of magic only, but that is okay, I no longer hold a grudge against you for kicking me out of my teaching position after painfully graduating from your irrational school. I am here to offer you and our kingdom a truce, for it is in trouble, and we need each other to save it”, replied Jagannath.
Akanksha retorted, “Your help is not welcome! You use magic to deceive and trick, these are immoral purposes that magic should never be used for! You use magic to feed your own power and greed, not to help people and better your kingdom. Your help can not be trusted!”
Princess Priya stepped in, “Akanksha, I don’t trust Jagannath either, but he has just as much to lose as us. If the Kuzian’s sack this castle, his tower, whose existence we tolerate, will be next. We should hear him out”
Jagannath said confidently, “What say you wise King Preedum, will you hear out my plan and save your kingdom?”
As Jagannath spoke, the sounds of heavy ballista bolts and catapult rocks hitting the outer walls and towers could be heard in the distance.
King Preedum never trusted Jagannath; the king knew that Jagannath was motivated by his own desire for power. The King’s head hurt from what had just befallen his army a few days before. His head hurt even more at this decision he had to make. He was tired and in need of rest. He let out a long, loud sigh and said, “Jagannath, let me hear your idea”.
Jagannath smiled with a big grin and began, “I can bring your army back to life! I have the power, I know I can do this, all I need is the royal blood of a king or his heir to give me the power to raise this army, royal blood is how the enemy sorcerer destroyed your army, now we must use their own tools against them, and bring your army back to life with a small amount of your blood my king!”
Akanksha stepped in front of the king’s chair exclaiming “No! It is not possible! It is only possible to bring the dead to life in the form of undead creatures, you can not actually bring them back to life!” Akanksha turned to his king now, “My king, this is morally wrong to use the bodies of your soldiers in this way, plus Jagannath has no intention of giving control of this army to you, you must send this warlock back to the his filthy tower!”
Jagannath retorted, “My lord, this is the only way to save your kingdom, and my tower, King William will surely tear it down, he is not as open minded about magic as you are.”
The King spoke, “Jagannath, no, our walls and what is left of our army will find a way to win, we don’t need to use dark magics.”
Right after the king finished speaking a messenger ran into the room.
“My king!, two towers are already on the verge of collapse, and so is a section of the outer wall! The Kuzian siege equipment is stronger than any I have ever seen.”
“Then we must destroy it” said Princess Priya, “Akanksha, take your best students and teachers and send out your magically constructed beings on a sortie to destroy as many of the enemy siege equipment as possible.”
Akanksha replied, “Good idea my lady, I will go at once.” Akanksha hurriedly left the room.
Princess Priya truly wanted Jagannath to lead this summoned creature sortie because she thought it was a sound military decision, but she was also happy that it got him out of the room for their discussion. Princess Priya did not like Jagannath any more than Akanksha did, but she wanted to win at all costs, and knew without the help of this magic they were doomed. She said, “Father, this is the only way, we must do this. I will not bow to that big-headed Ryulan and his father who Ryulan thinks is Jesus. We must not be defeated. We should use all weapons at our disposal, including an undead army.”
“No honey, no, we can’t, Akanksha is right, it is wrong.”, said King Preedum
“Father!, you don’t have a choice in the matter, I will give him my own blood!” She pulled out a dagger and prepared to cut her hand.
“No Priya!”, yelled her father, “don’t hurt yourself, fine, I will give him my blood. Maybe you’re right anyway, maybe this is the only way.”
Jagannath received the blood of the king, made himself look like a little girl, and took a rope down the great white wall even as siege projectiles fell around him. Jagannath walked right through the Kuzian army who was too preoccupied with the beginning of their barrage to care about a little girl.
The Kuzian army had set up a barricade of short wooden walls with sharpened logs as spikes in the front of the walls all around the castle. The siege engines were set up in different places all around the Castle, but were most concentrated on the east side where towers and walls were already collapsing.
Akanksha had quickly gathered his best magicians in a tower near the middle wall who controlled magical creatures formed out of earth, metal, and stone. The Preedidium School of Magic usually focuses on altering substances and forming creatures out of materials to serve their master. The school is not interested in spells that directly cause death and destruction, but the creatures created can deliver death and destruction if need be. It takes much concentration to keep them running, so usually the creatures are only used in defense of the castle where the magicians can more easily concentrate. Only 20 magicians were skilled enough for battle, the 20 magicians summoned about 100 creatures who were about the size of trucks or cars. The creatures had four legs, a big lumpy torso, and a mouth and eyes. They looked like a big clump of whatever substance they were made out of with these human features roughly carved out. Some were made of stone, others the Earth, and others metal.
A giant boulder flew into an already damaged section of wall, making it come crashing down. The outer wall was breached, this was the first breach in the Preedidium castle wall in 300 years of war. Akanksha ordered his magicians to command their creatures through the breached wall and toward the siege weapons.
King William was amazed at how fast he had been damaging these once impregnable walls. The machines loaded and fired so quickly, he did not realize how much that had been improved over previous models. The siege engines were firing faster than the ammunition could be brought to the front lines. King William saw the wizards at their tower, and saw a small army of terrifying creatures move through the breach in the wall. King William knew this was the moment of truth for the siege. The Kuzian kingdom had always had superior siege equipment, but it was always countered by magical summoned beings. The beings could be brought down by arrow, spear, and sword, but only after much time and much loss of life, and by the time the creatures are brought down, Kuzian siege equipment is mostly destroyed. But William thought events would be different this time. The magical creatures are the same old creatures the Kuzians have been fighting for 300 years, but the siege equipment is more powerful, faster shooting, and more accurate than ever before. Huge technological leaps have been made. He was sure and hoping that the ballistas would crush the Preedidium magic.
King William was right. The ballista operators knew what to do right when they saw the creatures, they fired away. The accuracy, speed, and power demolished the creatures in no time. One direct hit from a ballista bolt crumbled a creature made of stone, and it knocked the ones made of metal to the ground. Once on the ground they were crushed by a barrage of ballista bolts. The Earthen creatures were the best at absorbing the blows, but these bolts still tore the earth creatures up, and with their allies useless and down, the Earth creatures were too few in number and fell apart under an onslaught of ballista bolts.
“Technology wins the day, ha haaaaa!” exclaimed King William as he punched his fist in the air. It was his initiative to overly fund the siege warfare, his advisors told him it was a waste of money and just a fantasy of his to have siege weapons so powerful, but King William didn’t listen. He knew the only way a war could be won was to drastically reduce siege times, and he surely had, there was no way this siege was lasting more than a month. King William was proud of his now proven correct decision, and proud of his engineers who came up with all the breakthroughs to make his siege equipment so grand.
The siege continued into the night for a little bit, but then the firing halted because King William: wanted his people to get some rest, knew the siege engines were almost out of ammo and more needed to be carried to the front overnight, and he knew that in the dark the siege machine operators would be firing blindly. King William would begin the barrage again in the morning.
Jagannath maintained his little girl illusion as he rode by horseback all night and all day, he used an alertness spell to keep him alert so he would not need sleep. After years of being locked away in his tower, trying to find ways to satiate his massive desire for power, he had finally discovered a way to give himself true ultimate power! With the royal blood he planned on raising all the dead that died in the horrible fire storm as his loyal undead army. This army would have no fear and no remorse, and every man this army killed would add a new soldier to the army. Jagannath planned on binding the undead to him through a magically created artifact, this way he could continue to raise more undead later, rather than just raise a bunch now. He had learned of the ability to raise undead in forbidden books that he discovered in the Preedidium Magic School library. He could successfully raise to life recently dead creatures, but only for a very short amount of time, and not many creatures at a time. But five years ago he developed a theory, a theory that he was 100% sure would work, but he could not execute it because he missed the key and very powerful ingredient, royal blood. He feared retribution for a possible failed attempt to steal royal blood, so instead he had to wait for the perfect time to ask for and be given royal blood. That time had come, and now he could execute his plans to create an undead army loyal only to him.
Jagannath arrived after his night and day of straight riding, a record time that only one skilled in magic could achieve. He got off his horse, threw off his little girl visage, pulled out the cup of royal blood and instantly started his spell. It took a minute of chanting and waving his hands around the cup of royal blood when the cup exploded with energy and a bright white light, knocking Jagannath off his feet. He was not distracted though, and he continued chanting, pointing his fingers at the explosion, and casting his spell. It was very intense and Jagannath had to put all his energies into the spell. Then the white light disappeared and what remained what a floating, shinny, and metallic looking skull. The skull was a bright silver color and it reflecting the moonlight. Jagannath slowly walked up to the skull and grasped it with both his hands. He held it in the air and quietly said, “Rise my minions”, then his voice became a yell, “Riiiiiiiise and serve your new eternal master!”
All around him fallen soldiers rose from the ground. Horses rose as well, and the undead men naturally picked up any shield or weapon that was still laying around them. Jagannath looked around in amazement. He never doubted that his spell would work, but never the less, he still felt a feeling of surprise at the rising undead army around him. Jagannath was giddy with power, this was what he had been waiting for for decades. With this undead army Vietalia would finally be united under one ruler, him!
Once the entire field of the Dead was raised in front of Jagannath, the undead formed ranks and awaited Jagannath’s command. Jagannath spoke, “We march on Preedidium!”
On the morning of the 5th day of the siege, King William awoke startled due to a troubling dream. In the dream he was hunting wild boar in the forest behind his castle where his father, his father’s father, his father’s father’s father, and so on had hunted for generations. His hunting partners successful forced a boar to run from some brush; King William took aim and fired his bow. Direct hit! Right in the throat, the boar was down for the count.
“Ha ha! A meal fit for a king, killed by the king, my lord, good shot!”, said a hunting partner.
King William bent over the boar to examine his kill. It was a nice size boar; this would truly make a nice addition to a grand feast he thought. Then the boar started shaking, the King jumped back. He watched as it continued to shake. It was not shaking as a seizure victim would shake, it was shaking as a dead body being shook by an earthquake or shocked by electricity would shake. The King and his huntsmen stared for a moment confused. The king stepped forward and bent over the boar again.
“My lord, no”, said a huntsmen worried about the quivering boar.
King William ignored the huntsman and put his hands on the boar to stop the shaking, but to no avail. The king used both hands to hold the boar down, but it shook even harder. Then the supposedly dead boar let out an incredibly loud and high pitch squeal. Just as the squeal was piercing the king’s ear drums, the skeleton of the boar jumped out of the boar and nailed the king in the face with its tusk. The huntsmen attempted to come to the king’s rescue but were too slow. The king was flat on his back and the skeleton boar was in the motion of sending its sharp tusk right through the king’s vulnerable neck. Right as the tusk began to piece his neck, the king woke up.
The King was bewildered by his dream for a minute, but then quickly shook off the dream and left his tent to observe the siege battlements. In five days of laying siege, the great white Castle Preedidium had been devastated. Three fourths of the outer wall and all the outer towers lay in ruins. The middle wall had several breaches and many of the middle towers looked in bad shape. The central keep walls and towers were still untouched, as the barrage had not moved onto them yet.
Prince Ryulan greeted his father, “Good morning father, I and my knights are already so restless for battle, when can we take this crumbling castle?”
King William replied, “Son, have patience, this is the fastest siege of such a great castle in history, and we will have the smallest loss of life in history for any siege if we patiently demolish all the defenses of the castle before we close in. I will not have my son charging in with the dangerous towers firing arrows upon him, trust my strategy son.”
Ryulan replied, “Don’t worry father, I trust it very much, I just am really craving some action!”
“Well, I’m about to at least give you something to watch.” King William ordered his horn blowers to blow the horn to continue the barrage for this day. The barrage continued and the castle continued to crumble.
For the last five days King Preedum sat in his thrown depressed as he listened to the great outer and middle walls of his beloved castle crumble. He was devastated that this had to happen during his reign, he would be known forever as the king that allowed the great Preedidium walls to be destroyed. He also was distraught that all the hopes of his kingdom relied on an untrustworthy sorcerer. He knew it would be any day now that Jagannath arrived with his horrific army to save the day. Although the king was devastated, he actually felt some kind of comfort knowing that the fate of his kingdom lied in someone else’s hands. He just wanted the sound of his precious castle collapsing to stop.
Princess Priya was restless, she hated being pint up behind walls. She wanted so badly to bring the fight to the enemy, but even she knew that would be foolish. She was so angry that the smug King William would resort to such cowardice magic to win the war. She could not wait till Jagannath returned and gave the Kuzians a taste of their own medicine. Priya had a lot of pent up energy, and she knew only one way to release it.
During the siege she had spent all day making sure the forces were prepared for an eventual assault on the castle, but during the night she had the hottest passion of her life with the brawny champion, Aaronion. In such dire times her passion for her kingdom’s champion knight had increased ten fold. Gently rubbing Aaronion bulging muscles calmed Priya, and Aaronion was such a glorious love maker, that seven to ten times each night she trembled like no giant catapult rock ever could make her tremble.
On the 5th day Priya and Aaronion slept in late. There was really nothing for them to do to help the defenses, so it didn’t hurt anything. They both woke up around 2:00 PM and held each other after another round of fun.
“Priya, my sweet, what will we do if Jagannath does not come through for us, and the Preedidium kingdom falls to this Kuzian invasion?”
“It doesn’t matter Aaronion, you will die fighting if we lose, and I will surely kill myself before being taken captive.”
“Yes Priya, my princess, no man will lay a hand on you, I will die defending your heavenly skin”.
The two closed in on each other for a kiss when Aaronion stopped.
“What’s the matter man, kiss me!”, said Priya.
“The barrage, it has stopped, that is not right, something must be up, we must see what is going on.”
The two quickly got dressed and headed up the nearest tower. “My God” Aaronion exclaimed as he looked off into the distance.
From the East marched a large and menacing undead army. No one believed raising the dead to be possible at all, and the sight of seeing an entire army of the undead was truly horrifying. The west, south, and north sides of the Kuzian siege were being lifted and the forces were being arranged to fight an intense battle with the undead.
The undead army just marched straight with an infantry charge onto the Kuzian forces. Arrows and siege ammunition flew into the ranks of the undead killing many of them, but it did not slow down the advance of the fearless undead. The undead army clashed with the Kuzian infantry. The undead fell fast to the prepared Kuzian line. Kuzian cavalry launched sorties crushing the edges of the advancing undead. Undead were dieing in droves and were making no dent in Kuzian lines. Arrows continued to fly into the back ranks of the undead. It appeared that the Kuzian army was winning an easy victory, but this was not the case.
Even though the undead were dieing fast and not making any dents in the Kuzian line, Kuzian soldiers were dieing as well, and every time one of them died, a new undead soldier arose from the ground, the undead army could never be destroyed as long as the Kuzian army continued losing soldiers.
King William was amazed at how well his army fought against the undead monsters, and even thought this horrible threat was going to be quickly dispatched for a minute, but as the battle wore on he realized the undead army would never retreat, never tire, and would slowly wear his army down, as his army did not continue to gain new soldiers as the battle wore on. King William knew this must be some sort of sorcery, and he knew there would probably be a way to counter it, he just needed time to find out how. He could not have his army be diminished in a battle in which he was doomed to lose in the long run, so he signaled for a retreat.
“They are retreating!”, exclaimed Aaronion.
“Yes, that crazy, rebellious illusionist came through for us, this is wonderful, I am so glad I made the decision to give him some of our blood.!”, said princess Priya.
Out of the corner of her eye Priya saw Akanksha and his wizards hurriedly setting up some kind of posts with some kind of rocks at the top of them all around what was left of the middle wall.
“What is that crazy wizard up to, I don’t know about him sometimes”, said Priya.
King Preedum watched the whole sight from his royal tower that is connected to his throne room. He felt so relieved. His head that just moments ago felt like it was going to explode suddenly felt free as a bird. He felt kind of jubilant and high. He was laughing out loud by himself he was so relieved.
Then something peculiar happened. The undead army began spreading out and filling in the ring of ramparts built by the Kuzian army to siege the city. A large mass of undead infantry formed a giant rectangle in front of the castle and on horse back Jagannath came to the front of the grouped army. He used his magic to create large words spelled out with light, the words read, “KING PREEDUM, YOUR PRESENCE IS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, I REQUIRE OF YOU TO COME DOWN HERE AND HAND OVER YOUR CROWN TO THIS LAND’S NEW KING, DARK ILLUSIONIST JAGANNATH”
The king gasped with surprise. He had been betrayed, the human army besieging his city had been replaced by an even more horrifying undead one. King Preedum sat down on the rock floor of his tower, and cried.
Princess Priya was shocked and dismayed at Jagannath’s betrayal. Just moments earlier she felt triumphant and brilliant with her decision to give Jagannath this power. She already had grand dreams in her head of commanding this undead army to the gates of the Kuzian Castle and uniting Vietalia under the grip of one woman. Her ambition was dashed in a matter of seconds. Princess Priya turned to Aaronion and said, “Gather your knights, I want to have a talk with Jagannath”.
Jagannath felt overwhelmed with power, knowing that he had just defeated the grand army of the Kuzian Kingdom, and that he was about to become king of Preedidium. Jagannath knew that the crown would not be handed over to him, and he planned on taking the castle today, with a charge of his undead warriors.
Jagannath waited patiently for a response, and finally he got one, Princess Priya and her royal elite knights rode from the castle. The knights stopped 30 yards in front of Jagannath, and then only Priya and Aaronion rode forward.
“Jagannath! How could you betray us like this! You are slim!”
“Oh pretty little princess, that blood vessel on your temple is going to pop if you don’t cool your head. Hand over your father’s crown, resistance is futile and will serve no purpose other than to have more Preedidium life lost.”
“Your threats will get you no where with me Jagannath! Our inner walls are still 100% intact, your pathetic skeletons will break like water against the might of our great white walls. When this is all over, I will behead you myself Jagannath, mark my words!”
At that the Princess wheeled around and the knights rode back to the castle. Priya’s words made Jagannath laugh, he truly found the young princess very amusing. Jagannath rode back to safety behind the siege battlements and watched his attack begin.
The outer walls were so damaged that they were not even defended, the middle walls were damaged quite badly as well, but troops still stood by to put up a defense for them. The undead army marched towards a huge gap in the middle walls. The towers left standing fired arrows upon the undead dropping a fair amount of them, but in no way slowing the attack.
Right as the undead army was about to reach the middle walls Akanksha put his hands on one of the posts he and his wizards set up earlier and yelled some words in a foreign tongue. The stones one top of the posts lit up, and some kind of magic dome appeared between all the posts that circled around the middle walls and covered the whole castle in a dome. The magic dome sort of fluctuated and had a slight blue tint to it, although it was transparent.
The undead army kept marching as if nothing had happened. They reached the magic barrier and just bumped up against it trying to walk, but could not walk through it. The undead army halted at the barrier, the whole time receiving arrow fire. Undead archers fired back at the Preedidium tower and wall archers, and the arrows flew right through the barrier, it appeared that only the undead could not pass through. Jagannath had no choice but to order a retreat. The undead army fell back behind the siege battlements, and Jagannath, knowing that non-undead objects could pass through the barrier, ordered the building of siege machines from the local forests.
It appeared that Akanksha had saved the day for now. King Preedidium, Akanksha, and Princess Priya gathered in the throne room to discuss what was going on.
Akanksha explained what was going on, “My lord and lady, I have created a barrier around the castle that no undead can pass through, we are safe, but time is short”
Akanksha paused and noticed that the other two were listening attentively, waiting for him to continue, so he did, “To power this barrier I have used the magic ore tunstan. I know you all are well aware that it has great power, and that is why we have miners mining it where it is found in the mountains to the north. The problem is that this barrier uses up the tunstan at great speeds, and will not last long unless we get more tunstan.”
Princess Priya said, “My royal knights can break through the undead siege and gather more tunstan to the north, we can bring back enough to keep us safe for a long time.”
“Yes that is needed”, Akanksha replied, “you must go as soon as possible and be quick, I am not sure how long our tunstan supplies will last.”
King Preedum spoke, “Akanksha, no king could ask for a wizard as wise as you, thank your for saving us this day, I am very grateful, but what is our long term plan to defeat these creatures, we have no sizable army to overcome them, what can we do?”
Akanksha looked to the ground for a moment, and then looked at the king and said, “I don’t know, we have to kill Jagannath so the army will have no master, but I am sure he will not let a living creature get anywhere near him, for now we just need time, and to have time we need that tunstan, please my princess, go now, time is of the essence.”
The king spoke, “Priya, he is right, leave now, good luck my brave daughter, there will be plenty of transport wagons at the mine for you to use, don’t bring some from the castle, they will only slow you down.
The Princess left immediately, leaving King Preedidium to his advisors and his wizard to figure out a long term plan to defeat the undead.
The royal elite knights surrounded the princess in their horse formation and charged out of a breach in the northern middle wall. The undead archers were too slow to get a good shot on the heavily armored and quickly moving knights. Undead infantry that stood in the knights’ way were crushed beneath the weight of the glorious war horses and their heavy armor. The elite knights easily broke through the sieging undead army and were on their way north, to the tunstan mine.
Meanwhile, the Kuzian army marches back toward the Kuzian Castle. King William had gathered his advisors, his son, and Jakeilian for a horse back meeting to decide how the undead can be defeated.
“Jakeilian, you are the only one in my kingdom capable of telling me what is going on with these undead that the Preedidiums have created and how we can defeat them. You are our hero from the first battle, can you help us again?”
Jakeilian looked at the king with a sly smile. Ryulan shook his head in disgust of the sorcerer. Jakeilian spoke, “Of course I can help, sire. It is clear that this undead army is lead by Jagannath, to put an end to the endless army he must be killed. But as you know he can not be killed as long as he has a great undead army. There is a way for me to create a magical orb that destroys any undead within a certain radius of it. With this weapon the undead army would be worthless, but to create this orb I need a large amount of tunstan.”
King William replied, “There is no tunstan located in my kingdom. The only known tunstan mine is in northern Preedidium. Ryulan, I want you to take your elite knights and Jakeilian to this mine, gather all the tunstan that Jakeilian needs. Take a few wagon crews with you to transport the tunstan.”
Ryulan protested, “Enough of this magic stuff, lets just send an assassin to take Jagannath out while he is taking a dump!”
Jakeilian responded, “The undead never sleep, and Jagannath’s magic keeps him aware of his surroundings, no assassin could touch him”.
King William spoke again, “Ryulan, to the mine.”
“Yes father”, Ryulan replied, and then said to Thomas who was at Ryulan’s side as usual, “Thomas, summon the knights, we leave in 5 minutes.”
In five minutes they gathered and were ready to leave, but Ryulan had a problem with Jakeilian’s sorceresses.
“Jakeilian, leave those promiscuous witches with the army, I don’t want them getting in the way, and I do not trust them on such an important mission.”
Jakeilian replied, “Ryulan, you do not trust me, of course you do not trust my sorceresses either, if you don’t trust me and I am coming, you might as well put up with my beauties coming along as well.”
Ryulan was noticeably getting angry, “Jakeillian!”, he began before Thomas put his hand on Ryulan’s soldier and said, “Ryulan, Ryulan, we unfortunately have to ally with dark forces in this horrible war, but the truth is we are allies, and we must treat each other with respect, come on, let us ride forth on our noble quest.”
The elite knights and their magic user allies rode northwest on their quest, as the main army continued east towards the Kuzian castle.
Princess Priya arrived at the tunstan mine in about a day. The locals in the area had only heard rumors about what had befallen their kingdom’s castle and were excited to hear what had happened from their Princess. Priya filled them in with a colorful speech and inspired the locals to work when she told them that their kingdom needed their help to mine tunstan from the mine and load it in wagons to be transported to the castle. The workers began working right away as the knights stood guard over the mine.
The only known source of tunstan in all of Vietalia is through one cave on the side of a hill that has a great mountain range as a backdrop. The mine never saw too much use as there are very few magic users in Vietalia and only a very few knew how to use the power within the ore. A small village still survived by the mine because the Preedidium Magic School paid a very good price when it ordered some tunstan to be mined about once a year, and most of the miners also owned small farms.
The workers had only been mining for 30 minutes when a knight yelled, “Kuzian knights coming from the southeast, to arms, to arms!” The elite royal Preedidium knights formed a wedge formation at the top of the hill that the mine was on. Priya was on horse back behind them, ready to watch the battle. She was a fierce woman, but was still no warrior, so she stayed in the back where it was safe. Each side had about 20 elite knights.
“Jakeilian, you and your witches stay in the back”, yelled Ryulan, “wedge formation!” Ryulan and his elite knights formed in a wedge as well and began charging up the hill. The two groups of elite knights charged toward each other. Right before the two sides clashed Ryulan’s knights split in half, one half splitting to the right, and the other to the left, except for Ryulan who alone charged up the hill into the Preedidium formation. Ryulan lowered his massive head and charged into the enemy lances and shields. The Preedidium knights were shocked at the bold and powerful tactic of Ryulan, Ryulan’s head knocked lances and shields right out of knight’s hands. Two Preedidium Knights were knocked off their horses by Ryulan’s gigantic head. Even the Preedidium champion Aaronion had to pull back his lance at the last second to stop it from being knocked out of his hand by the force of Ryulan’s head.
Ryulan had charged right through the entire Preedidium wedge and met up with his fellow knights who had gone around the Preedidium charge, now the Kuzian knights had the high ground, and they instantly turned around and charged down the hill at their Preedidium counterparts. The Preedidium knights were slow to turn around and started to charge back, but they did not have time to get up to full speed, the Kuzian knights hit hard, knocking all the Preedidium knights off their mounts except three, one of those three was Aaronion. The Kuzian knights quickly turned around and were ready to charge up the hill at the shocked Preedidium knights again, but to their surprise a lone Preedidium knight was already charging at them, they could tell by the symbol of a griffin wearing a crown on the knight’s helmet that is was Aaronion. Aaronion’s lance hit a Kuzian knight’s shield, knocking the Kuzian knight off his horse. Aaroinion stopped his charge in the middle of the Kuzian knights and began taking them on with his sword and shield single handedly. The Kuzian knights focused on Aaronion rather than charging after the slowly recovering Preedidium knights.
They Kuzian knights were filled with blood lust as they were sure they could land a killing blow on the great Preedidium champion. They were wrong, Aaronion was too fast, although he had not the time to make any killing blows on any Kuzian knights, he defended himself well, and managed to slice and dice some nice wounds on a few Kuzian knights. When Aaronion saw that his knights were resaddled on their horses and ready for another charge, he broke away down the hill.
Thomas yelled, “Prepare for the Preedidium charge!”, but Ryulan corrected his orders, “No!, finish off the champion, his death is worth more than 1,000 knights to the Preedidium Kingdom!” Thomas knew this was the wrong decision, a charge from behind would be devastating to their force, but he was not a prince like his friend, so he was outranked, and had no choice but to follow orders.
The Kuzian knights chased down and off the hill after Aaronion as the Preedidium knights followed. Suddenly Aaronion jumped off his horse, which continued running away. He did a spin in the air to be facing his charging enemies, and after sliding on his feet for a few seconds, Aaronion faced the charging Kuzian knights spinning a flail in each hand. The Kuzian knights charged at Aaronion, but he jumped around and dodged the horses and lances, and at the same time used his flail to make major dents into 3 Kuzian knight’s armor and knocking them off their horses.
Fighting Aaronion slowed down the Kuzian knights just enough to allow the Preedidium knights to catch up. The Preedidium knights were not going enough faster than the Kuzian knights to run them over, but instead rode between the Kuzian knights and attacked with their swords and maces. The Kuzians were at a disadvantage as their backs were turned. The Kuzians tried to slow down so the Preedidiums would fly by them, but the Preedidiums were ready and slowed down as well. Now at the bottom of the hill was huge clash of metal, steal, and flesh. Aaronion left the 3 stunned Kuzians that he knocked off their horses alone and ran into the battle. He was met by Thomas who stepped in front of Aaronion before he could take on a lesser knight. Thomas knew only he or Ryulan could have a chance in a clash with the great Aaronion. Ryulan consistently caused a stir in the clash by knocking knights off their feet or horses with his head, but he was usually too slow to follow up with anything more than a glancing blow on the heavily armored Preedidium knights. Thomas and Aaronion had a battle of skill and agility. Although both them had a fair amount of brute strength, both were skilled enough to prefer finesse as their style. The two moved surprisingly quick considering the heavy armor they were wearing from head to toe. Aaronion still had his double flails and Thomas had a sword and shield. The clash went on for 10 minutes with no fatalities. All the knights were too armored and too skilled to die easily.
Aaronion knew he was fighting one of the best two knights of the Kuzian kingdom, he wanted to take him out for sure, but he knew someone would save him unless he lured Thomas farther away from the brawl of knights. Aaronion slowly backed Thomas away from the clash during the 10 minutes of the brawl. Then Aaronion waited for Thomas to make a mistake, he did, and Aaronion made his move, he made the chain of his left flail wrap around the sword of Thomas, Aaronion yanked Thomas and his sword toward Aaronion’s left side, this left his back exposed, almost at the same time as he pulled Thomas toward him, Aaronion swung his right flail and the mace at the end of the chain swung around Thomas and nailed him in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious. Ryulan saw Thomas fall and came running to protect his childhood friend, but he was too far away, Aaronion was in motion to put in the death blow to Thomas, the right hand man of the Prince and one of the finest knights of Kuzia, when a loud explosion from the mine halted the fighting.
An eerie calm swept over the battlefield as all the knights looked to the top of the hill to see what had happened. They could not see the mine from the bottom of the hill, but what they could see was princess Priya dodging a ball of fire, which could have only came from the sorceress Illaria, as Priya came flying down the hill on her horse. “My knights!, the Kuzian sorcerer has closed up the mine, the fools have doomed us all to the peril of Jagannath’s undead army!”
Ryulan responded to this news, “Jakeiliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! I knew you could not be trusted!” All the knights were no longer on their horses which were scattered around the area, so they all ran up the hill together on foot. When they reached the top they saw huge piles of rock that no man could ever move covering the entrance to the tunstan mine. Jakeilian and his sorceresses were standing in front of the mine.
Ryulan bellowed, “Jakeilian why have you done this you foolish traitor!?”
Suddenly a flame wall appeared in front of the knights. They all stopped for a moment and looked at the great wall of flame astonished.
Priya said, “This wall of flame is not real, this is the magic of Jagannath!” She stepped through the fire, and the knights followed. She said, “Jagannath has aided the Kuzian sorcerer, it appears that both of the kingdoms of Vietalia have been betrayed by evil consorting sorcerers!”
“Die evil traitor scum!” yelled Ryulan as he and the knights from both kingdoms ran towards Jakeilian. Although the firewall did not fool the knights for long, it did the trick. By the time they passed through it, Jakeilian’s sorceress Illeesia had somehow summoned a giant snake with wings. Jakeilian and the two sorceresses quickly jumped on the snake and flew off into the sky. “So long suckers!” Jakeilian yelled as his sorceresses laughed wildly and sensually rubbed Jakeilian as he sat on the snake.
Ryulan was filled with more rage than he had ever been filled with in his life as he watched the traitorous magic users fly away. He was so angry, he wanted to go crazy and kill a bunch of small animals just to vent his rage. Even with his rage at such a high level, he could not help but notice how sexually distracting the 2 sorceresses were riding on that flying snake. Straddling the big, green snake, their outfits were pulled up high and Ryulan could see up their legs all the way near the bottom of the butt. The witches sat behind Jakeilian on the snake, and riding on the snake forced their thighs and butts to ram into one another. The smooth sexy relatively dark, Asian colored skin of Illeesia was rubbing against the white and slightly tanned skin of Illaria, it was mesmerizing to see them fly away. Illaria was on the back, and she was about half a foot taller than Illeesia, so Illeesia’s sexy black hair flew back into the large, round breasts of Illaria, whose thick, blonde hair flew into the wind.
Ryulan’s rage lessoned slightly as he was distracted by the sorceresses bodies as they flew off into the distance, then, BAM!, A hard slap to the face brought Ryulan to his senses. It was Priya, “Get out of their spell man! How can you let them distract you so easily like that!?”.
Ryulan felt stupid. He was so angry at Jakeilian, yet he fell into the mesmerizing effect of his witches. Ryulan’s anger quickly returned to him, “Back off Priya! I should behead you right now for that!”
“You wouldn’t dare! That would be so dishonorable to kill a princess without first defeating her guard, plus, I’d like to see you try.” She nodded her head at Aaronion who stood a few feet away.
Ryulan’s face began to get read as his anger built. The knights from both sides stood around watching the argument, ready to begin the brawl all over again.
“Ryulan!” Someone yelled form down the hill. It was Thomas, he had regained consciousness and was stumbling up the hill. Ryulan ran to help his friend. Ryulan braced Thomas against him and helped him up the hill. Thomas spoke, “Ryulan, don’t be angry, please calm down. We face great challenges with Jakeilian and Jagannath joining forces. We share a common foe with the Preedidium kingdom, and the enemy of our enemy is our friend. We should be trying to mend our differences and work together to save the land we both love.”
Ryulan responded, “You are right Thomas, thank you for giving me a level head.”
Ryulan helped Thomas over to the group of knights.
Ryulan spoke, “Look princess, it is clear to me that you do not control the undead army, the evil sorcerer Jagannath does, he has betrayed you as Jakeilian has betrayed us, we must work together to defeat our common foe.”
Priya sneared, “You just right now figure that out numb nuts? Of course we were both betrayed, I suspect Jagannath used his illusion magic to make me think you stole my necklace to begin this bloody war in the first place, where else would he get such a large amount of freshly dead corpses?”
Ryulan was angered by her rough tone, but was more worried about defeating the enemy, and stomached the insult. “Princess”, Ryulan said with a harsh tone full of disdain, “lets work together and find a solution to our sorcerer problem. Come back to the Kuzian Castle and we will figure out a way to defeat our enemies and save your castle”. Ryulan held out his hand in the air to be grasped. Princess Priya grasped the hand and smiled, “Your supposedly wise king better have a plan for us, or else were screwed”.
The knights tended to their wounds for 30 minutes, and then gathered up their horses and left for the Kuzian castle.
Jakeilian and his sorceresses flew their serpent to Jagannath’s tower, southeast of the Preedidium Castle. Jagannath’s tower was a thin, tall, and black tower that rose out of scorched ground. The ground was black and scorched in a large circle around the tower due to many magical experiments, a few random trees still existed in the scared circle of earth surrounding the tower. The tower was surrounded by about 20 magically constructed creatures that defended the premises. These creatures were similar to the ones constructed by Preedidium wizards and were made out of metal, stone, and earth. To the East of the tower and its scorched surroundings was a great forest that extended into Kuzian territory. To the West there was also a thick forest, to the south there were the great mountains that surrounded Vietalia, and to the north there were some trees and a road heading towards the Preedidum castle.
Jakeilian observed the home of his new ally as he flew towards the tower. Although the undead army still maintained its siege around the Preedidium castle, Jagannath had left the siege to the command of his undead generals, and had come back to the tower for his meeting with Jakeilian.
Jagannath knew of Jakeilian’s arrival, so he came out of the tower to greet him. The serpent flew to the ground and its riders jumped off. Illeesia jumped off and opened up her hands and a bubbled sphere of different shades of green light appeared. The serpent was sucked into the light, squirming all the way, and was successfully unsummoned.
“Greetings Jakeilian, you have done good work closing up the tunstan mines.”
Jakeilian responded, “Only with a little escape help from a grand illusionist”.
They both chuckled and came close to each other and shook hands. The witches followed closely behind Jakeilian.
After the handshake Jagannath said quietly, “Do you have the blood”
“Of course I do my partner, it is right here”. Jakeilian pulled out of his cloak the container of King William’s royal blood. He handed it to Jagannath and they began to walk south past the tower and toward the mountains. Jakeilian asked, “I think you must have been glad to find all the massive dead bodies my fire spell provided you.”
Jagannath responded, “Oh yes, your spell killed far more than would have died if the two armies just clashed and retreated behind walls right when one started to lose.
“How goes the siege?”
“It goes well, it is just a matter of time for that foolish Preedidium wizard to run out of tunstan, and then my undead army will overwhelm the castles weak defenders. We’ve constructed some siege equipment to soften up the enemy’s walls and keep them scared while we wait for the magical barrier to run out of power.”
“That sounds like good work, I commend you Jagannath, we are the two greatest minds of Vietalia, and with our powerful magics, Vietalia will be easily be ruled by our hands.”
They reached the end of the scorched Earth to the south, where there was some rocks and hills for 20 feet, and then great mountains. Jagannath spoke, “We are close enough. Jakeilian, you are about to witness the great power of magical construction, and I thank you for providing me with the blood to make such a construction.” Jagannath floated the container of blood between his hands and began chanting unintelligibly. Jakeilian and his sorceresses stood back and watched Jagannath do his magic. Jagannath was intense while casting the spell and his fingers pointed in a claw shape towards the blood. Then Jagannath moved his hands wildly up and down until the container of blood exploded and the blood disinigrated into the air. Jagannath now held his palms face up and yelled, “Rise from the stone my friend, riiiiiiiiiise and serve your master!”
At those words the closest mountain shook wildly, and the center bulk of the mountain began to take the shape of a giant stone man carrying a huge two handed sword. The man crumbled out of the mountain and took a few steps towards Jagannath and then let loose a mighty roar. The roar shook the trees of the surrounding forest and forced the sorceresses to cover their ears and they made an evil high pitch scream that was mixed with laughter.
The spell was complete and Jakeilian was amazed as the great stone man that Jagannath had created. Jakeilian said excitedly, “Jagannath! You truly have far surpassed the abilities of the crappy Preedidium wizards! This creature is so huge! Nothing can stand in its way, nothing! All Vietalia will bow to our power yes!” The sorceresses were laughing wildly and trembling with their love for power being satiated. They also moved their hands sexually down and up their sexy bodies and appeared to be aroused by the power they saw before them.
Jagannath yelled to the stone man, “Come closer to your master”. It walked forward. “Now lift that great sword above your head!” The giant stone man gradually lifted the mighty sword above his head. “Yes, it obeys my every command and his mind is fused with my mine, I have complete control, the spell has worked.”
Jakeilian was still excited and put his hands in the air and said, “All will bow to the great power of the dual sorcerers Jakeilian and Jagannath!”
Jagannath turned toward Jakeilian with a sly smile on his chubby face and said, “Jakeilian, the undead army and the stone man are great power, power with which I can defeat even the greatest armies and rule this world. I thank you for the blood I needed to create the stone man and for the dead bodies I needed to create the undead army, but this power is mine and mine alone. I have no further use for you, die!” At the word die the giant stone man swung his sword with an under hand swing down and up, just barley missing Jagannath’s head, and hitting right into Jakeilian. Jakeilian flew 100 yards in the air towards the east and rolled across the ground for another 10 yards.
This would have killed any unprotected man, but Jakeilian had clamped his hands together and out came a clear blue magical protective barrier that quickly surrounded him just in time to save his life. The barrier was put up in a second and was weak, so although it saved his life, Jakeilian was injured badly. He stammered to his feet. His clothes were torn up and revealed bloody skin. A stream of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.
Jakeilian used a spell to make his voice extremely loud so that even over 100 yards away he could be heard loud and clear. He boomed, “My ladies!, destroy this traitor!”
The sorceresses were confused, they didn’t know what to do. They felt some sense of loyalty to Jakeilian, but still had not recovered from the fulfilling feeling of power that Jagannath had given them. Right as they reluctantly began to act, Jagannath said, “Ladies, ladies, look at your man over there, he is a bloody fool struggling to stand, he can not offer you any power, he has nothing, he will be dead by sundown. Join me, be my loyal brides and stand with me in the throne room of a mighty empire!” The sorceresses looked at Jagannath for a second, then looked at each other and both begin to smile and quietly moan in excitement. Illeesia spoke, “Lord Jagannath, we will gladly sssssssssssssssssssserve you.” The two sorceresses walk up to Jagannath and put their arms around him and touch him sensually.
Jakeilian had been betrayed by his long time followers. Just a moment ago he believed himself to be one of the most powerful men in Vietalia, but now he was bloodied up and struggling to stand, with no friends, no allies, and no time to be angry. He saw the giant stone man start to move his way. Jakeilian ran his hands across one another and produced a yellow ball of light, he swooped his right hand under the ball of light and pushed it up, the ball of light flew into the sky with a yellow tail behind it. Jakeilian quickly looked to the ground and covered his eyes.
The ball exploded with an extremely bright light. Everyone but Jakeilian had been looking at it. Jagannath, the sorceresses, and even the giant stone man screamed in terror as their eyes were filled with tremendous pain and they were temporarily blinded. Jakeilian quickly did a teleport spell to blink him to the nearby tree line, and then he ran east through the woods. He ran like hell, dodging trees and bushes, and leaving blood stains on the forest floor.
The four blinded ones recovered moments later. Illessia asked, “ssssssssssssssshall we chasssssssse him down and desssssstroy him?”
Jagannath replied, “No, he is not worth our time, he will surly die in the woods, I hope the wolves like the meal we have just gave them.”
Jagannath spoke with confidence, but secretly he did not trust his new fickle allies to chase after him, he was afraid Jakeilian could convince them to change sides again. He also did not want to risk sending his stone man after Jakeilian, as he was sure Jakeilian would lay powerful explosive traps, that could harm his precious new monster. But Jagannath did truly expect Jakeilian to die in that forest, and was glad to have gotten rid of him so easily.
Priya, Ryulan, and their knights rode back to the Kuzian castle together. They were greeted with astonished looks from the Kuzian people who were surprised to see the two enemies that so hated each other riding side by side on horse back. They were greeted in the castle courtyard by King William.
“Hello Princess Priya, good to see you again”
“Hello King.”
“And my son, please tell me how it is that the woman who slapped me hard in the face only a few days ago is now riding with you.”
“Father, Jakeilian has betrayed us. He has allied with that dick illusionist Jagannath and caused a great rock avalanche that covered up the tunstan mines forever!”
King William responded, “This is horrible, I can’t believe Jakeilian would do such a thing, after aiding us in this recent great battle and being a friend to my kingdom for his whole life.”
Princess Priya spoke, “He is just like any other sorcerer, all they care about is power, power at any cost, no matter how many innocents must die on the way. Jakeilian only used that fire storm spell to create a massive amount of fresh bodies for Jagannath to create his undead army with”.
“I see”, said King William, “and we did not acquire any tunstan before Jakeilian’s betrayal?”
“No father”, replied Ryulan.
Priya said, “Without that tunstan the Preedidium castle is doomed and so are all the people of Preedidium, as well as Kuzia.”
“Ryulan responded, “No! I will not allow Vietalia be taken over by a damn sorcerer and his undead army!”
Priya replied, “Bold words, but your forces already found out his undead army is invincible as long as your forces are not immortal.”
King William jumped in, “I know none of us knows anything about magic, but what if Jagannath were to die, what would become of his undead army?”
Priya answered “Well, when a magician of the Preedidium school dies, any living creatures that he controls instantly go lifeless.
“King William said, “So I bet the same is true with these undead, we just have to get close enough to Jagannath to stick a sword in his belly or an arrow through his heart.”
Priya replied, “That is not so easy, he is a great illusionist, we can never know where he is for sure, and he has the power to allude us.”
King William said, “Yes, this is true, We’ve got to knock him out of his game, we’ve got to make him scared or threatened so that he will make a mistake and we can destroy him, reports are he lives in a mage tower south of your castle, is this true?”
Priya responded, “Yes, I know precisely where his tower is, supposedly the tower increases his power as well, I don’t see any good options of how to defeat him, but destroying his tower is certainly a start.”
King William announced, “It is settled, we leave in 3 hours, reform the army!”
King William knew that this attack, even if successful, may prove fruitless in the end when Jagannath had his undead army, but it was worth a shot as there were no other options, and it would be against his nature to do nothing when they face dreadful enemy.
King William used these dire times as an excuse to execute a plan that he could not reasonably approve years ago when it was proposed. It was a plan by his finest engineer for a super artillery. It was a gigantic ballista engine that shot bolts 3 yards wide and 20 yards long. The machine would be enormous and pulled by an army of horses. The machine would be truly monstrous in size. The amount of resources needed to build and transport the weapon were simply sick, but this weapon would have great range and would drive through huge chunks of an enemy army. If it were possible to wipe out the undead army faster than the fallen of his own army could be raised, these machines would be apart of that possibility. He had ordered 2 of them to be built, and the whole kingdom of Kuzia had to pitch in to gather the resources and build them. Unfortunately they would not be ready for at least a week, but King William was excited for the chance to build them anyways, and he knew their construction would give his people hope, hope that the evil forces that threaten the kingdom can be defeated.
Meanwhile, the Preedidium castle’s magical dome was still strong. Boulders fired from the newly constructed siege weapons flew into the castle, sometimes doing damage to the ramparts or killing people, but this siege attack was nothing compared to what the castle just faced a few days ago from the Kuzian siege engines.
Jakeilian had ran through the forest past the Kuzian borderline and ran until he collapsed and lost consciousness. Interestingly enough, he did not think to lay down magical traps like Jagannath feared, so Jakeilian was very lucky that his enemy did not pursue him.
Jakeilian awoke in a bed located in a small room. He wondered where he was. He assumed he must be in a house in the forest. He noticed that on a desk next to him were bread and a big piece of chicken. He was very hungry, and for the moment, stopped wondering where he was and grabbed the chicken and tore in. In a few minutes he gulped down the chicken and bread. Now he was thirsty. There was nothing to drink.
He decided to get up and look for liquids. “Ahhhhhhhh”, Jakeilian yelped, as he tried to get up, he was so sore. He heard footsteps coming from another room. Jakeilian was suddenly interested to see who had taken care of him. He assumed it must be someone out of touch with the world, as Jakeilian was a recognizable figure with his unusual dress and hair style, and he was sure that news spread quickly about his betrayal of the Kuzian kingdom.
Into the room stepped a tall, big-chested blonde woman. She was very beautiful and wore the white robes of a cleric. Clerics were healer warriors sworn to destroy evil, their numbers were few in Vietalia, but a few of them lived scattered throughout the valley.
The woman said, “I see you have woken up and were quite hungry, wait there and I will get you a drink”. Her voice was powerful and pleasant at the same time. Jakeilian could hear the strength and a hint of deepness in her voice, but it was also sweet sounding.
She left to get him his drink, and as Jakeilian heard her footsteps coming back, it suddenly hit him that this woman was a major threat to him. Clerics are sworn to fight and destroy evil. This woman must be a hermit cleric or something to not realize that he was one of the most evil men in existence right now. If she found out who he was, Jakeilian was sure she would kill him. He decided he had to leave her house as soon as possible.
She came back with a glass of milk.
“Thank you for your kindness”, Jakeilian said as she handed him a glass of milk. Jakeilian’s voice was obviously nervous, and he tried to think of a way to hide it.
The Cleric spoke, “Jakeilian, calm down, I know you have a dark, dark heart, but I believe it is my duty to heal and protect all man kind, even a man with as much blood on his hands on you. Plus, I sense that behind that raw desire for power is a decent man who wants to live a decent life.”
Jakeilian struggled not to laugh at the last thing she said, he hated and despised common folk who had no ambition. He was already thinking of the best way to kill this cleric if he had too, he didn’t care about human life, and as he thought about it more, he was starting to become offended that she even called him decent.
The Cleric spoke, “Drink up your milk, I am going to go prepare your bath, you smell horrible”
Jakeilian was beginning to hate the kindness of this woman, but at the same time he knew he owed her his life, and that meant something to him. Also, even though Jakeilian only met this woman a minute ago, he thought of her as his only friend. He used to have two groups of friends and allies in his life: King William and the Kuzian kingdom; and his sorceresses. He betrayed the former and he was betrayed by the latter. Even with his life being focused on satiating his desire for power, he was still human, and desired companionship as well.
Jakeilian took a bath. The water was warm and welcoming. From the second he stepped into the water his soreness began to go away and his wounds quickly healed. He wondered what kind of enchantment the cleric had put on the water to give it these healing properties. Jakeilian always thought that it would be nice to know a little healing magic to heal his wounds when in battle. He imagined that he would be near immortal if he could heal himself every time he got hurt, but he never had time and always remained more focused on how to destroy others. Plus, he had discovered how to protect himself with powerful magic barriers anyways; although those magic barriers were wasteful of his energy and healing magic would be more efficient.
Jakeilian dosed off in the water. After sleeping for an amount of time Jakeilian was not sure of, he was gently awaken by the hands of the cleric massaging his shoulders. Jakeilian felt very awkward as he was naked and the cleric was behind him massaging his shoulders fully clothed.
She spoke, “Calm down Jakeilian, it is time for you to wake up, I need you to feel loose, you have some big days ahead of you.” Jakeilian didn’t know what she was talking about, and wanted to ask. He was actually kind of angry that she would be telling him he had big days in front of him. Who was she to command him like this?, What was she talking about? Jakeilian wanted to protest, but her massaging hands felt so good. He wasn’t sure if it was magic, or if she was just an expert massager, but the massage quickly forced his disturbing thoughts out of his mind and calmed him.
After a few minutes she stopped and said, “I have your clothes for you; nice, clean, repaired, and good as new hanging up in the closet, get dressed.” Before Jakeilian could ask what they were doing she stepped out of the room. Jakeilian got dressed and looked for her in the house, he could not find her. He then stepped out her front door, there she was on a beautiful white horse, and next to her was another white horse waiting for him to get on.
“Get on”, she said.
“Wait, where are we going?”
“We have to meet the army and King William, they are marching on Jagannath’s tower, but they need you to gain access to the tunstan that is needed to defeat the undead army.”
Jakeilian waved his arms across each other to symbolize no, took a step back and said, “Ohhhhh no, King William will kill me, I can’t go back to them, you must be kidding me!?
“I’m not, let’s go”.
“No, I thought you might be trust worthy, but I’m not that stupid, you buttered me up to make me not think clearly, but it did not work, you just want to turn me in for a big reward that I bet King William will pay for me to be returned alive, I don’t think so, I am not going anywhere, and there is no way you can make me.” Jakeilian prepared to use his magic to defend himself.
The cleric rolled her eyes at the sky and then shot two balls of energy out of her hand. It caught Jakeilian by surprise, one ball hit his wrists, bringing them together and binding them, the other his ankles. Jakeilian fell to the ground. He looked down at his angles and saw a glowing band of light around them. He struggled and could not move.
“You witch! No cleric has aggressive magic like this!”
The Cleric dismounted and while walking toward Jakeilian said, “This binding magic only works on the dark hearted, trust me, no witch can do this.” Jakeilian struggled to move but could not. His hands were so well bound that he could not move them properly to use his magic. Jakeilian then gave up and waited for the chance to be set free, so he could kill this cleric. The cleric grabbed Jakeilian and threw him on his horse. She then got on her horse, and led both the horses towards The Kuzian army that was marching toward Jagannath’s tower.
The Kuzian army was marching west on a road in a large column approaching the border between the Kuzian Kingdom and the Preedidium Kingdom when from the south rode two horses. Two scouts on horse back met the cleric and Jakeilian. The scouts saw Jakeilian bound and recognized her as a cleric with her white armor and brought her to the king at her request.
King William saw them approaching and yelled, “Awwww, good cleric, it has been a long time, Mary, and I see you come bearing gifts.”
Jakeilian said to the cleric as they were still approaching the King, “Mary is it, nice to know the name of the woman who is leading me to my death.”
Mary laughed and said, “Oh my goodness you foolish dark one, be quiet.”
They rode up to the king. Priya and Ryulan were about 20 yards behind the king and were incredibly surprised to see Jakeilian.
“Ha, your traitorous sorcerer must not have been too smart to be caught by a random cleric.”, said Priya. Ryulan looked up at Jakeilian and instantly filled with rage. He speeded toward Jakeilian on his horse, and then stopped instantly right in front of him. Ryulan dismounted and punched Jakeilian in the chest, knocking him off the horse. Ryulan yelled, “You worse than dirt traitor!”, and moved to beat Jakeilian, but Mary put her intimidating mace in front of Ryulan, making him stop his attack, but not lessening his rage. She said, “Ryulan, Jakeilian can still be very useful for you and your kingdom, it would not be wise to hurt him, also, rage is a characteristic of a dark heart, you must control it, young prince.”
Ryulan yelled, “What usefulness can this disgusting traitor be to us!?”
Mary said to Jakeilian who was still laying on his back, “Why don’t you tell us Jakeilian.”
Jakeilian wasn’t ready to have to talk, but it only took him a second to realize that he could help them indeed, he said, “With more royal blood I can create a spell with tremendous force, such force that it could move the mountains of rocks covering up the tunstan cave, and then with the tunstan, I could also create undead destroying orbs.”
“You don’t need blood to move those rocks, you didn’t need them to move them to cover up the mine!”, Ryuland yelled.
Jakeilian replied, “Gravity moved the rocks to cover up the mine, not I, I just created a magical explosion to loosen up the large rocks so gravity could do its work.”
“Fine!”, yelled Ryulan. He got back on his horse, and Priya rode up saying, “Good job almost killing the only man who can stop the undead, idiot.” She laughed, Ryulan smirked at his own stupidity but was also annoyed and did not reply.
King William said, “Mary, you may have just saved all of Vietalia from ultimate doom and destruction, we all owe you.”
“You owe me no thanks”, Mary replied.
King William announced, “I will continue to lead this attack on Jagannath’s tower so that we can destroy the enemy where he lives. I want My son, Priya, and their knights to escort Mary and Jakeilian to the tunstan mine, there Jakeilan shall gain access to the tunstan and create the weapons needed to defeat the undead. Then your orders are to lift the siege of the Preedidium castle and then meet up with me at the tower, if I’m still there.”
“Yes father, we shall leave at once.” Ryulan and Priya signaled their knights to gather, they formed up with Mary and Jakeilian and headed north towards the tunstan mine.
As the party of knights was riding off in the distance, a little green lizard that was in the midst of the army column ran into the woods just off the road, it scampered along in the woods for a little bit and then came into the hands of a beautiful young woman. The woman was the dangerously sexy Illeesia. She held the lizard up to her ear and said, “Yessssssssss, I ssssseeeeeeeee, thank you my minion, you have lisssssstend well”. She put the lizard back on the ground and it scampered away. She then clapped and opened her hands creating a bubbly sphere of different shades of green. She summoned her winged serpent from the sphere and flew away.
She flew to the tower and met Jagganath near the top where he was standing at an open balcony. “What news do you have Illeesia?”, he asked.
“The Kuzian army comes here to desssssstroy your tower, and the Kuzian princcccccccccccce and the Preedidium princcccccessssss have captured Jakeilian, they are bringing him to the tunssssssssstan mine to create orbs to bring down your undead army.”
Jagannath kind of laughed and smiled without making an out loud laugh. He thought it was going to be easier to conquer Vietalia, he had underestimated his enemies. He still had full confidence in his ultimate victory, but now he actually had a tiny bit of a challenge on his hands. He looked forward to it though, and was glad to be forced to use and show off so much of his power.
He said, “Thank you my pretty, gather Illaria and go to the tunstan mine, destroy them all. Those knights are no match for your powers. My giant rock man will make swift work of any army that comes this way”.
“I will make them all sssssssssssssuffer!” She swooped down to pick up her sister in magic and they rode off screaming and laughing wildly. Even Jagannath was mesmerized by the hotness of their scantily clad bodies rubbing against each other while riding that giant snake. After a second he broke out of the trance, and thought about what a great asset he acquired from that fool, Jakeilian. He smiled smugly and waited for the Kuzian army to arrive.
King William and his army were nearing the tower and could see the top of the tower over trees in the distance when a huge wall of flame appeared in front of the army column. King William quickly moved to the front of the column to check it out. He rode his horse a yard away from the flame wall, he could feel the heat radiating from it. “Sire, Sire!”, a young infantry man yelled as he shoved his way toward the front of the column.
“Yes young lad, what is it?”
“I have seen this before my king, I lived near the border and as a kid I used to watch Jagannath practice his magic, the flame wall is an illusion.”
“It takes bravery for a youngster to spy on a mysterious magician, I commend you”, King William pointed to a pike man, “You, stick you pike into the fire”.
The pike man did so and pulled the pike back from the fire, it came back unscathed. “The wall of fire is fake!”, announced King William, “We continue our march!”
The column marched through the wall of fire and in a few minutes they were near the edge of the woods where the scarred lands around the tower began. There they saw what from a distance appeared to be a statue, they saw the giant stone man who stood taller than the tower that he was standing behind.
The men in the army watched in fear as they found out the giant creature was no statue. They saw the giant stone man swing his sword around as if to warm up his joints. Horns blew to get into battle formation and the army quickly broke out of the column formation they traveled in. Battle lines were formed up and the army stepped out of the woods.
King William felt just as much fear as every single one of his men did at the sight of such an awesome, giant creature, but he wouldn’t let himself be overcome with fear. He singled for the horns to blow to march, and King William lead the slow march towards the tower. As the march began, the Stone man ran towards the army. Someone yelled, “No fear my brothers, it is just another illusion!” At that the army let loose a cheer of confidence and as the stone man neared, the army charged toward it. The stone man was fast with his ridiculously long legs and quickly closed on the charging army before any projectiles were fired. The stone man took his giant sword and swiped right through the center of the front of the army, sending men flying and proving that he was in fact real. The stone man then went on a rampage through the helpless army. Arrows were fired but had no effect.
King William ordered his high-tech artillery to fire, but the stone man noticed the threat and quickly ran, trampling over many men, to take out the siege weapons with his mighty sword. A few ballistas and catapults did get off shots before being taken out, and the ones that hit clearly did damage to the stone man, but the stone man took out all of the threatening siege weapons far faster than they could take him out.
King William had been lucky to not be taken out in the initial sword swipe of the monster, the giant sword just barley went over his head, hitting the men behind him. The King saw basic weapons having no effect, and at the sight of his precious siege weapons destroyed he decided to cut his mounting losses and ordered a full retreat.
The men continued to be trampled and cut down by the giant sword as they ran for their lives, but the stone man did not give chase past the tree line and stayed home to defend his master’s tower.
A day after the horrible battle with the giant stone man, Priya and Ryulan reached the tunstan mine, but arrived to find a great horde of snakes on top of the hill that the mine was on.
“This is the work of the greenly clad sorceress Illeesia”, Jakeilian said. Right as he finished his sentence, screaming laughter of the sorceresses could be heard as they flew from behind the mine on their flying serpent. Illeesia yelled, “Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!”. Simultaneously, the horde of snakes charged the knights and Illaria threw fireballs from the flying serpent.
For a moment Jakeilian could not help but admire the power of his former companions. Jakeilian watched as the knights who were facing the threat of fire balls and a swarm of poisonous snakes, were temporarily mesmerized but raw sexual magic of the two voluptuous sorceresses riding on their giant snake. Jakeilian could sense the hormone levels of the knights rising crazily at the sight of dark and light tone muscles rubbing against each other on that thick snake. The mixtures of the rubbing legs and the beautiful hair of Illeesia flowing in and around the large, round breasts of Illaria was too much for the knights to handle. Luckily for Jakeilian, he was the one who enchanted their beautiful bodies to make them not just naturally irresistible, but magically irresistible, and he was better able to control himself.
A giant fire ball nailed a knight, killing him, and that was a big wake up call that broke the trance of the knights, and they began attempting to defend themselves. By then the snakes were only a few feet away, the horses were well trained and fine horses, but they could not deal with the massive amount of snakes. It appeared as if the whole ground was slithering towards the party. The horses went crazy and ran in all directions to escape the snakes, taking the knights with them.
Most of the knights carried crossbows and tried to shoot down the flying sorceresses, but with their horses going crazy and the serpent so swift, the shots had no chance in hell of hitting their target. As the knights were retreating wildly against their will due to the horses being startled by the snakes, Ryulan called for the knights to fall back. The knights rode down the hill and continued pass the base of the hill. The whole time knights were falling to the powerful fireballs of Illeesia.
Jakeilian scolded himself for admiring his own betrayers so much and quickly realized that he was the only won who could win this battle. He said, “Unbind me cleric! Unbind me!” At the quick movement of her hand the energy bindings dropped to the ground. Jakeilian fiddled his fingers in the air and sang a beautiful song with a tone more sweet than the sweetest singer. The song was a lullaby and was truly beautifully sung in the foreign tongue that magicians always use.
The slithering earth slowed, and eventually stopped, the snakes fell asleep. The flying serpent was not immune to this charm either, and the great serpent plummeted to the earth, sending the sorceresses sprawling across the ground. They quickly recovered and stood ready for a fight.
Jakeilian and Mary dismounted and stepped towards the sorceresses, “You traitorous whores, how dare you betray the might and power of your loyal master who raised you and made you what you are when he was at his weakest!”, yelled Jakeilian angrily.
Illeesia spoke, “You are weak, Jagannath is the massssssssssster of the world now, he is strong, you have alwaysssssss, been weak, we just used you as a sssssssssteping ssssstone to move on to greater thingssssssss”
Illaria laughed wildly and high pitched and said, “Compared to Jagannath you are a pathetic magician and an even worse lover, purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” she continued to laugh wildly.
Jakeilian was greatly angered and was clenching his fists, “I’ll show you pathetic whores what true power looks like!” As he spoke blue and red magic began to flow out of his hands and encircle him.
Then Ryulan said, “Enough talk among evil magic users, chaaarge!” Ryulan charged towards the sorceresses with his knights following closely behind him. Jakeilian yelled, “Wait you fool!” His protest fell on deaf ears. Ryulan charged, the sorceresses were extremely quick and agile, the easily jumped, tumbled, and dodged out of the way of the knights and their steal, while at the same time Illaria threw fire balls at their backs, hitting most of them, including Ryulan. Illaria acted quickly, so the balls were not hot enough to kill the knights, but still burned and hit with enough force to knock the knights off their horses, putting them out of the fight.
Priya held her knights back, and did not follow the charge, she shook her head in shame of her new ally. Jakeilian was extremely angry now, “Ryulan, you fool! It is hard to believe that with a head so big there are so little brains in there!”, he turned to Mary, “Cleric, you take on Illeesia, I will take care of Illaria”.
Jakeilian knew clerics were immune to poison, and with that immunity, Illeesia would have much trouble dealing with Mary. Jakeilian on the other hand, knew he could easily absorb fire with his magic and had full confidence that he could easily take Illaria down.
Mary and Illeesia circled around each other for a moment. Illeesia made the first move leaping over Mary and spraying her with acid out of her mouth from above, Mary was quick and lifted her shield to soak up the liquid, and turned to face the sorceress. Mary stepped toward Illeesia and Illeesia’s beautiful, black hair came alive and it extended towards Mary like basket of angry snakes making repeated strikes into the air. Mary put up her shield but some of the hair went around it and struck the Cleric many times around the face and neck. The hair only made little needle size holes, but they injected Mary with dangerous poison.
Illeesia leaped backwards screaming and laughing wildly. “Jakeilian was a fool to have a prude cleric as an ally, your goodness makes you weak!” Illeesias beautiful slanty eyes were sparkling wildly at the sight of what Illeesia believed to be a great kill. Mary was affected by the poison for a second, but then waved her hand over her face, releasing a white light. She was instantly cured and charged Illeesia.
Illeesia was taken by surprised and leaped to the right and over Mary, but Mary was fast, and swung her mace, busting Illeesia in the knee cap. The bone was shattered and Illeesia lay on the ground wounded. Illeesia was now screaming in anger, and as she screamed her hair and finger nails extended towards the cleric to kill her. Mary threw five yellow balls of binding magic upon Illeesia, binding her neck, ankles, and wrists to the earth.
Mary quickly followed up by closing the distance between her and Illeesia, blocking the snake-like hair with her shield, and bashing in Illeesia’s skull with her mighty mace. Blood and brain matter flew everywhere, it was a gruesome death for the once beautiful sorceress.
Meanwhile, and just five yards away, Jakeilian fought Illaria. Illaria jumped and flipped all around Jakeilian, throwing fire balls and doing her usual wild laughs and screams. Jakeilian just continued to slowly walk towards her, maintaining a clear blue magic shield around him that absorbed all of Illaria’s attacks. Then at the right moment, Jakeilian extended his right pointer finger nail extremely fast, piercing Illaria’s vagina. She let loose a quick moan in pain and arousal at the same time, followed by a meowy like, “Hisssssssss”. Then a white substance quickly flowed down the nail and into Illaria. Jakeilian laughed wildly himself now, and Illaria screamed, “Noooooooooo! My master, pleaaaaaase!”
Jakeilian replied in the middle of his wild and evil laughter, “Time for you to be used as a stepping stone of power you giant breasted whore!” Jakeilian’s nail returned to him and he wiped off remaining white residue on his shirt.
Illaria continued screaming and holding her stomach. Suddenly, her stomach exploded in blood, and out came a little demon child. It was in the shape of a human but was a really dark grey color, had pointy ears, fang-like teeth, and sharp claws. It was covered in blood and rolling on the ground going crazy and biting and clawing into the air wildly. Jakeilian stepped towards the demon-child with his arms out and a facial expression that any father would make when about to hold his new born baby for the first time.
Jakeilian bent over and picked up the child, who continued to go crazy in his arms. “Oh my demon child, I can feel the dormant power within you, ohhhhh, this is fantastic!”
At the finishing of his words, the demon child’s head exploded and its body went lifeless Mary had thrown her mace and the ball of the mace went right through the demon child’s little head. The blood of Jakeilian’s evil child was splattered all over his face, and Jakeilian was enraged.
Mary said, “I can not allow such an evil creature to be brought into the world.”
“Die cleric!” Jakeilian’s body exploded with colorful magic flying in all directions and then he ran at the cleric. Mary threw her binding magic that had worked so well on Jakeilian before, but this time he was prepared, and his magic shield easily deflected the binding energy. Mary was not prepared for such a quick and fierce attack and was taken off guard. Jakeilian lifted his finger and his nail extended with lighting speed toward Mary. Mary was too slow to block it and the nail slipped beside her shield and right toward her vagina. In his blind rage, Jakeilian was on the verge of piercing and killing the woman who saved his life just a few days ago.
All of a sudden the nail and the sorcerer’s whole body went flying to the right of Mary and down to the ground. Aaronion’s horse had been the force behind the blow, and the glorious championed had arrived in the nick of time. While Jakeilian was on the ground, shocked, Mary swiftly threw her binding magic upon his ankles and wrists, binding them together, and making Jakeilian a threat no more.
Priya’s knights quickly grabbed Jakeilian off the ground, put him on his horse, and watched him attentively. Without dawdling for a second, Mary ran over to the burned Kuzian knights and quickly went to healing their burned bodies. Priya walked over to Ryulan who lay on the ground burned and in pain and said, “Nice move, prince”, and then laughed out loud.
This really made Ryulan mad. “Shut up you stupid brown whore!”, Ryulan said as he tried to get up to confront her, but then he moaned in pain and laid back down. Priya giggled at the big headed knight who quickly gave up on trying to make revenge on her for her comments. “Here you big headed fool, you meant well, have some water”. She handed him a canteen of water. “Thank you”, he said as he drank some water that felt so very refreshing.
By now Mary was ready to work on Ryulan’s wounds, in a matter of 60 seconds, he was healed, the knights who did not die in the battle were very lucky to have her.
“Ryulan quickly jumped on a nearby stray horse and yelled, “Boys, we have some sleeping snakes to behead!” Ryulan rode directly for the giant flying serpent and began chopping away at its thick neck. Other knights began the beheading of the massive swarm of normal sleeping snakes, it appeared that Jakeilian’s lullaby was very strong, none of the snakes even stirred as their brothers were being beheaded next to them, and their turn was short to come.
After snake clean up duty, the knights rode to the top of the hill. “Well you crazy bastard are you ready for some of my blood so you can move these rocks?”
Jakeilian stood in a stubborn posture, pointed his nose to the air and said, “No! My only begotten son has been murdered here today, I will help you and your kingdoms no more, I do not care what happens to your kingdoms and this land, as you did not care about my child.”
Ryulan very annoyed by this, he grabbed Jakeilian’s hand and while playing with the fingers said, “Listen here sorcerer, I will cut off each of your fingers, toes, tongue, and balls one by one until you move these damn rocks!”
Mary put the back of her hand in front of Ryulan and Ryulan backed away. She tried to persuade Jakeilian to help, as did other knights who decided to chime in, but it was all in vain. Night time wore on and the cleric and knights were all very tired, so they decided to work on convincing Jakeilian to do what he came here to do in the morning, hoping that Jakeilian would be more receptive to persuasion after sleeping on the death of his evil demon child.
While watching his magically constructed creatures clear the remains of the Kuzian soldiers who died at the hands of the giant stone man, Jagannath felt an empty presence where he once felt his new sorceress allies. For the first time since he had raised the undead army he felt like he might actually fail in his attempt to control all Vietalia. His fear of failing quickly turned to anger.
He was also growing impatient with his siege upon the Preedidium castle. He had a connection with all the creatures he creates, so he could see exactly how the siege was going. It continued to go well and he knew the castle’s tunstan supplies must be running low, but Jagannath was very impatient and angry. He was afraid that with Jakeilian on the side of the kingdoms, Jakeilian could use royal blood and tunstan to make horribly power spells. He knew his undead army would be threatened soon if Jakeilian could gain access to the tunstan. Jagannath was so angry at himself for not killing Jakeilian when he had a chance, he pounded his fist against walls until he had no feeling in his hand.
Jagannath decided that he must ensure the fall of the Preedidium castle, so he ordered his stone man to complete the siege of Preedidium once and for all. The Preedidium barrier would be useless against the giant man of stone. So the giant stone man set off, leaving Jagannath with only his magic and his basic creatures to defend him in his tower.
Back at the Kuzian castle all the people of the Kuzian kingdom had been working day and night to complete the two massive ballistas. By the time King William and his army limped back home, the siege engines were complete. Even after all the devastation to his army, King William was incredibly excited to see such large masterpieces.
In less than an hour after arriving home, the beleaguered Kuzian army set out and marched toward the tower again. The men were tired, but the king knew time was of the essence, and said to his men, “Men, we must march now, we must use our glorious machines to take down that giant stone man and Jagannath’s tower before the Preedidium Castle falls, if it falls, then the evil forces that want to destroy and control all decent life in Vietalia will have won a great victory that we may never be able to recover from! I will not allow that to happen, and you will not allow that to happen. We must go, and take the fight to this evil illusionist so he can not stop our brave prince and his knights from creating the weapons we need to defeat the undead. So men, lift your tired and drained bodies, and lets march for the right of all men to live free from the grimy hands of evil magicians!”
The army gave a small cheer to the speech that explained why they must leave now, but the army was tired, and the men didn’t like the idea of saving their long time enemy from the destruction that many soldiers felt they deserved, so morale could be better.
King William’s speech got about what he expected from his troops, but it was just a warm up. After the men got in order, King William had an army of horses that were chained together march forward dragging two massive ballistas. The giant ballistas truly were an awesome sight. The sight of the great weapons gave the men confidence, and gave them an extra bounce in their step. King William was confident that these great weapons would shred the giant stone man and Jaganath’s tower to pieces.
Jakeilian slept in a tent with Mary because she was the one who could control him. That night Jakeilian was awaken by Mary’s soft touch. Jakeilian looked up and saw that Mary was baring her enormous and beautiful bosom. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest. “Jakeilian, in becoming a cleric I am given great powers of healing, but these powers come with a curse. All clerics are cursed to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex who is very, very evil. It is hypothesized that the reason for this curse is so each cleric will turn one evil person into a good person by taking them under their wing. Jakeilian, I believe it is you that I am meant to fall in love with. You do not need to worry about the loss of your demon child, because I will give you a child that is far more beautiful and good.”
Jakeilian was still hardly awake and was assuming he was dreaming. He said, “Well yeah, any baby is gonna be beautiful and good compared to a demon child, come ooon!”
Mary chuckled, “Oh, Jakeilian, my heart is truly yours, take me.”
Jakeilian really didn’t know what the hell was going on, but Mary was beyond doubt one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and his hand felt awfully good on her large breast, so he used his other hand to bring her head close to his, and kissed her.
The next morning the cleric announced to everyone that Jakeilian would do what is necessary to reach the tunstan. Ryulan, without being asked, cut his hand and dripped blood into a cup. Jakeilian did his thing and created a massively powerful blast wave of force that blasted all the huge rocks covering the entrance to the tunstan mine. The rocks flew off the hill and crashed into the ground one hundred yards away. The knights started quarrying ore so Jakeilian could make undead destroying orbs.
King Preedum had spent most of the last few days in his royal tower, watching the kind of crappy siege weapons the undead made very slowly damage his beautiful castle. The tunstan was running low and he knew that Priya should have returned by now. He was very depressed. Akanksha had given him daily reports on the tunstan stock, and the king knew the undead would be free to storm the castle within twenty four hours.
The king started to doze off when he was interrupted by a messenger. “My lord, look off into the distance, I have horrible news.”
The king looked where he had been told to and towering over the trees he saw the giant stone man. He and all the Preedidium people who saw it instantly knew that it was a creation of Jagannath, it appeared that King Preedum’s precious castle would not even last twenty four hours to see the end of the tunstan supplies.
The king summoned Akanksha. King Preedum asked, “What can you and your wizards do about this!?”
Akanksha somberly replied, “Nothing, I don’t know how he summoned a creature so large without the use of royal blood or some other great power source. We are doomed sire, I am sorry.”
King Preedum stared at the floor for a good minute, and then looked off into the distance and watched the giant rock man slowly walk to come destroy his kingdom.
Akanksha said, “I am very sorry sir, I….” As he spoke the giant stone man stopped, turned around, and walked in the direction from which it came.
The two men, as were all the inhabitants of the castle, were confused and relieved. Akanksha happily hugged the king, temporarily forgetting that they were doomed to the undead army in less than a day anyways.
Jagannath was incredibly surprised to see the Kuzian army back so soon. He was amazed at the great siege engines that he used his magic to see off in the distance. He was scared and furious at the same time, but also determined to not be defeated this day. Jagannath cast a spell to make it look as if there were thousands of identical towers scattered through out the land. This trickery, he hoped, would by him the time needed for his rock man to come save the day.
King William had pressed his men hard to reach the tower in record timing. His men were tired, but King William knew adrenalin would kick in to win the day, and if all went to plan, there should not be any tiring hand to hand fighting anyways.
The army broke out of column formation and set up its battle line on the edge of the forest. King William saw the massive amount of towers, and ordered his siege engines operators to shoot them all one by one until the correct tower is found.
Even as the battle lines were still being formed, the forty magical creatures that have long done Jagannath’s bidding charged the army. The army was ready for this and a hail of arrows slowly chipped away at these creatures. These magically constructed creatures were very old and Jagannath had not done a good job upkeeping them. Hails of arrows were too much, and they died before even reaching the army.
Jagannath prepared another spell and cast it. This spell disoriented the artillery operators. They did their best and fired the great siege engines, but did so with little accuracy and had many fake targets to deal with. Thanks to Jagannath’s magical trickery, he had bought himself time for his rock man to arrive.
At the tunstan mines Jakeilian had created two undead destroying orbs. He gave one to Princess Priya and one to Prince Ryulan. No one wasted any time, the knights mounted up and quickly rode south toward Castle Preedidium.
At the Castle King Preedum and Akanksha watched the undead army from the royal tower; waiting for the last of the tunstan to be drained of its magical properties. Then the blue haze that they had gotten use to seeing everything through suddenly disappeared. The tunstan had run out. What was left of the Preedidium army formed along what was left of the middle walls. The undead, without command from any general, formed ranks and marched upon the eastern walls as they were the most damaged.
Some middle towers were left standing, and all the inner ones were, so once the undead got into range, the towers opened up with significant arrow fire. Archers stood on top of the walls and fired away too. The Castle was designed well and the arrow fire was withering. Undead fell in droves at the withering fire, but their forces were large enough that their front lines kept marching and reached the middle walls.
There was one large breach 15 yards wide in the eastern side of the wall, and several small breaches 1-3 yards wide. The undead charged these holes. They were met by a line of pikes. The undead were decimated by the determined pike men fighting for their lives and for the lives of all the innocent people of their kingdom. Arrow fire continued to rain upon the reinforcing lines of the undead.
The undead were falling fast, it appeared that the beleaguered Preedidium defenders may hold and win the day, but then the living started to show one of their disadvantages to the undead, they tire. The pike men began to show fatigue and could not fight as effectively, as this happened they began to fall. With every pike man down, Jagannath’s powerful magic raised another dead body who turned its pike around and shoved it into the gut of its former ally.
Undead archers ran into fire range as well, and their arrows killed some people behind the walls, creating insurgents who Preedidium soldiers had to turn around and kill.
The king and Akanksha watched this with horror. The undead lost so many troops, for a minute the King had hope that they would kill every last one of them, but that hope was beginning to look like a fantasy.
“Akanksha, how many magically constructed creatures have you and your wizards managed to rebuild?”
“Only eight”, Akanksha answered.
The old, tired king had wanted a nice retirement. He wanted to grow old in relaxation and peace. Those dreams were dashed now. The King had been depressed since the violence broke out in the land of Vietalia, but watching his men fight so bravely gave him a mental calm. He had broken out of his depression, and was determined to die defending his much beloved great white castle.
The king spoke slowly but confidently, “Akanksha, before the men totally break, we will have to fall back to the inner keep, this is when I want your creatures to go in and wreak havoc, so our men can get to new defensive positions.”
“Yes my king.”
“Yes sire?”
“You have been the most loyal advisor I have ever had. I’m sorry our time working together running this wonderful kingdom had to end like this”, the king paused to put on his golden armor and equip his sword and shield, King Preedidium finished preparing for battle by sliding his shiny sword into its sheath and saying,“but let us die like the great Preedidium men that we are.”
Horns blew to signal to the army outside the inner keep to retreat from the middle wall and head inside the inner one. As they fell back eight magically constructed creatures tore through undead ranks. The soldiers ran through the narrow entrances into the inner walls and then those entrances were quickly raised to seal the inner walls. The creatures worked marvelously as a distraction. The undead focused their attention on this threat. They surrounded the creatures, and slowly but surely the undead hacked the brand new magically constructed creatures to death.
Then the undead reformed and took on the inner walls. The whole time the undead were falling to a great amount of arrow fire. The undead brought with them no battering rams, or siege towers, or ladders with which to conquer the walls. They didn’t need them, the undead picked up the bodies of slain undead and began building mounds in front of the wall with which to scale the walls. Building the mounds took time and many undead fell in the process, but Preedidium men were dieing to undead arrow fire as well. The Preedidiums did not die in nearly as great as number, but each time one of them died, they rose to fight against their former friends.
By the time four mounds were built high enough to climb over the walls, well over half of the undead army had been destroyed. If this was any normal army the undead would be suffering a horrible defeat. But this was no normal army, it was an undead army. The undead knew no fear, and they did not tire like their foes. It would only take a break in the Preedidium defenses for Preedidium men to start dieing, and for the undead army to gain instant reinforcements.
The undead began climbing over the walls, on the walls they met fierce resistance from pike men whose pikes were about the length of the entire width of the inner wall. The second an undead soldier stuck any part of its body over the wall it had to defend itself against numerous sharp pikes. The undead continued to fall in droves. The Preedidium arrow fire would not let up, and the undead were at a great disadvantage having to face a wall of pikes while climbing onto the wall.
Once again it appeared that the undead army may actually run out of undead soldiers to defeat the castle, but then the undead called upon their undead knights. These were fallen knights who have been raised from the dead. A normal knight is tough to kill because it is protected by a lot of armor, but under the armor is a lot of flesh to dig into once the armor is breached. The undead have lost a lot of weight since they were alive and if one is lucky enough to cut through the armor, one needs even more luck to actually hit the being beneath the armor. Also, unlike alive horses, undead horses show no fear and will charge full speed into any foe.
The undead infantry and archers opened up four path ways to the mounds, and the undead knights charged up, over the mounds, and crashed full speed into the wall of pikes. The force knocked over a lot of pike men. The majority of the undead knights impaled themselves upon the wall of pikes, but damage to the lines was done, and a small amount of the knights survived and were wreaking havoc among the back ranks of Preedidium soldiers.
The undead infantry quickly followed up behind the breach in the pike men formation. Now the undead did not have to face a wall of pikes while scaling the top of the wall, and the undead infantry could easily close in and kill many pike men who were still recovering from the undead knight charge. A blood bath began as the pike men line was being decimated by the undead and by the many new undead beings created from fallen pike men.
King Preedum and Akanksha stepped out from the royal chambers, where they could see the battle at the inner wall just 30 yards away.
King Preedidium yelled, “Men of Preedidium! Push these vile creatures back over the walls!” At that a cheer went up from the men who had new found morale from the voice of their beloved king. The general infantry who carried swords and shields charged into the fray. The undead at first were pushed back toward the walls and only a handful of undead were left standing atop and behind the walls when fatigue set in for the Preedidium infantry. The undead began to overwhelm the beleaguered Preedidium army once again.
King Preedum had not yet entered the fray and stood with Akanksha watching the battle. The king turned to Akanksha and said, “Well, are your sword arms warmed up?” The wizards of Preedidium used elegant two handed long swords, most wizards were not especially good with their swords, but Akanksha had trained a little each week and was confident of his abilities.
A group of infantry stood with the king, waiting to charge into battle with him, the king held up his sword, he turned to Akanksha and said, “We ride together, we die together, bad boys for life……. Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!” The group charged toward the battle, but then their charge was slowed to a walk when off into the distance they saw two horse men leading a small group of knights towards the walls. The two leaders were holding shining balls of light that beamed out light in every direction. As they rode within 25 yards of any undead, the undead collapsed.
As they neared the inner walls the king recognized his daughter and Ryulan. They rode over the mounds of dead bodies into the inner walls, the undead army that the king and Akanksha were ready to die fighting against collapsed before them.
King Preedum turned to Akanksha and said, “Well, I guess we don’t have to die together after all”, and threw his hands up next to his head and tilted his head while opening his jaw. They both laughed happily.
Ryulan and Priya rode around the siege battlements to kill off all the undead and then returned to where the king was. “My daughter you have saved your grand kingdom!”
“Oh father, I am so glad you are still alive, she dismounted and hugged her father.”
King Preedum turned to Ryulan, “You have helped save my kingdom, the Preedum kingdom is in your debt, I trust the former hostilities between us are over?”
“Of course my friend, of course, but the evil is not yet eradicated, my father and his army faces down Jagannath and his giant stone man as we speak.”
King Preedum said, “He may need our aid!” King Preedum gathered his tired army, and they, along with Priya and Ryulan, marched south.
King William saw the giant stone man coming from the north. He ordered his giant ballistas to begin firing right when he saw the monster. The ballista operators were still disoriented so they missed their target many times. The stone man ran towards the army with his sword held high to defeat it once and for all. Right as the stone man was going to take a chunk out of the army with his sword, a giant ballista bolt hit its right shoulder, swinging it around. The rock man was injured, but still dangerous and now very angry. He reoriented himself and prepared for another strike, just in the nick of time again, a giant ballista bolt hit the creature in the head; the head exploded, throwing rocks everywhere.
The rock man collapsed to the ground with a loud thunder that created a miniature earthquake. Jagannath yelled in anger! He was enraged that after all his careful planning and after all the power he had obtained, he was being defeated by a bunch of stubborn and unintelligent men. He no longer upheld his tower illusions, he ran out of his tower toward the army in a blind rage. A giant ballista fired and struck his tower, it collapsed to the ground. Jagannath turned around to see his tower destroyed in one shot by the mighty siege weapon and was then even angrier. He began creating illusions of four, six, eight! Rock men charging the army, but no one was fooled. King William ordered his archers to fire. Jagannath was destroyed by a hail of arrows.
King Preedum and his army arrived a few hours later, the Kuzian army had set up camp on the site because they were too tired to march home that day. Preedum and William met with their two children as well. King William said, “King Preedum, we know what evil we have overcome today, and to think, we gave the enemy the power to do such evil by being at each other’s throats. Let us make peace and may a Preedidium and a Kuzian never shed each other’s blood again!” King William held out his hand and Preedum grasped it firmly.
Preedum spoke, “Our kingdoms are doomed to fight again as long as we are separate, it is just our nature, I propose our two kingdoms unite under a new kingdom, the Vietalia kingdom, as we are all Vietalians because we live in this nurturing valley that is mother to us all.” Preedum held out his hands and King William shook it even though he didn’t know what exactly the king was proposing by uniting the kingdoms. Before King William could inquire, King Preedum spoke again, “and I would like to cement the formation of this united kingdom by offering your son my daughter’s hand in marriage”.
King William smiled, “I accept, may the Vietalia Kingdom flourish and prosper for one thousand centuries!”. The surrounding armies listening on let loose a huge cheer, but Ryulan and Priya both yelled, “What!?”
Neither of them totally wanted to marry, but they both kind of liked each other despite the other ones’ flaws. Ryulan had actually grown attached to the incredibly strong willed Priya while they were on their quest together, and Priya realized that she had a big head fetish and would like to be married to a man with such a giant head. Also, they knew it would be good for their people, so neither made a serious objection to the marriage.
The two kings prepared the grandest celebration Vietalia had ever seen for the marriage of their children. The two were married and made a great King and Queen of the newly formed Vietalia Kingdom.
Nine months later, in Mary’s humble home in the forest, Mary gave birth to a beautiful little boy. Jakeilian now lived with his new wife, Mary, and he helped deliver the crying baby. They named it Goku, and just one look at Goku’s glowing eyes melted Jakeilian’s icy heart, he could do evil no more. They lived happily ever after in their forest cottage.
Ten years later Ryulan died of AIDS.