Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Colbert and Osama

In many ways Stephen Colbert, the host of the Colbert Report, the greatest show in the world, which airs at 10:30 on week nights on Comedy Central. In many ways he operates a lot like Osama bin Laden, an international terrorist and leader of Al Qaeda.

See, Al Qaeda is an organization that does not have a classic hierarchical structure. Many of Osama’s followers have no back and forth contact with the man or some one who does. These followers just share the same ideology as Osama and think of Osama as a great leader. The only contact Osama has with these followers is his releasing of videos that call for attacks on the West, Osama does this, and followers do as he wishes and make attacks for their great leader. These attacks are many times shitty and stopped by US agencies, or sometimes they are successful and kill people like the bombing in Spain, but they are all motivated by one thing: Osama Bin Laden and his messed up ideology.

Stephen Colbert also has many followers who have no connection with Colbert other than a similar ideology and that the followers can watch Colbert on TV. Many times Colbert with make calls for action to his followers, and just as with Osama, his followers act. Examples of these calls for attacks and the loyal actions that follow are: throwing the GM quarterly report on the ice of a hockey game, making dumb videos of liberals, making hilarious wikipedia editions, and voting in an online vote to get a bridge in Hungary named after Colbert.

The methods of these 2 men are the same, but you should not think for a second that their motives are anything alike. Osama Bin Laden is a mad man religious extremist who wants nothing but power and to bring death upon those who do not share his extreme views. Stephen Colbert on the other hand is a fighter for truth, freedom, and the American way AKA: the right way! The fact that Osama Bin Laden would copy the great Stephen Colbert’s tactics is an outrage, and for that Osama must be brought to justice at the hands of the great Colbert and the country that he loves! This is why the fight against Osama and the terrorists should never lighten up, the war must be brought to the enemy who cowardly STOLE the great, genius tactics of the Stephen Colbert.

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