Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A short tirade against fake Christians

Not much bothers me more than fake Christians. I consider myself agnostic and think everyone who belongs to an organized religion is deluding themselves, but at least real Christians stick to their own beliefs and I respect that. You may be wondering, if I am agnostic, then how do I know how to tell if a Christian is real or fake by sticking to their own beliefs? Well, one thing I was raised Christian, and another thing, the Christian religion is based on a holy book called the Bible. There is of course some room for interpretation, but unless you’re being very liberal with your interpretation, there is not that much room for wiggle room. The Bible lays out the basics of Christian beliefs and lays out how a Christians should and should not act. If the Bible is considered the word of God or the inspired word of God, any Christians who blatantly disregard its teachings are not really Christian in my eyes.
Real Christians follow the lead of the Bible and do what it says. These people go to church, don’t drink alcohol or eat delicious foods in excess, do not have sex with anyone except the one they live the rest of their lives with, are nice to their friends and enemies, and put God first in their lives. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying the only real Christians are perfect Christians. Real Christians can mess up, but when they mess up they repent, they repent and mean it. This means they legitimately regret their mistake and make serious efforts to prevent their mistake from happening again. I have respect for these real Christians even though I do not understand how they can believe what they believe. For these people, I disagree with what they say, but will fight to the death!, for their right to say it. I would not lose one ounce of blood or sweat to protect a fake Christian’s beliefs.
Fake Christians calls themselves Christian but do not live in a Christian way. A fake Christian may hardly go to church, may sleep with many of the opposite sex, may get drunk, may do a variety of things the Bible condemns, and a fake Christian defiantly does not have God first in their life. If you truly believe in your religion, and truly believe in the God of the bible, and truly believe in his son that he sent down from heaven, and truly believe that the Bible is the word or inspired word of God, then by all means you would do what God has told you to do in the Bible. The Bible is clear about these things, and it is clear that people who do not follow the path God has set for them will not be with him for all of eternity in Heaven. Many fake Christians rely on the idea that just simply by saying they believe in God and Jesus that then they get to go to Heaven, but a true believer would not disregard the bible’s commands and the bible is actually quite clear that it takes more than belief in God and Jesus to get into Heaven, it requires the repenting of sins.
As I mentioned earlier, real Christians do repent their sins and mean it. Fake Christians are either totally fake and do not repent at all, or do false repenting. When a fake Christian repents they do not mean it. They may repent but then make no effort to change their action that they repented, and if one repents and then continues the action that they repented, they clearly did not mean it, and therefore really did not repent at all. As an example I will use apologizing between two humans, rather than between a human and God. Lets say your work parking is very tight, but because you have worked hard at your job for many years, you have a parking spot near the front of the parking lot. Now lets say someone who is new parks in your spot, forcing you to trek an extra mile to and from your car in the hot summer. This happens three times in a row in one week, so you confront the new employee. The new employee apologizes and you explain that he/she has to park in the back where parking is not reserved; like you had to do when you were new. He/she seems very sorry for his/her action and you think the problem is solved, but then a week later, your spot is used, by the same employee. Now when you confront him/her again she/he is very apologetic and uses the excuse that he/she was running late. Now lets say this happens about once every week and he/she is apologizing very politely every time. Would you take this apology sincerely?, or would you be angry and ready to take more serious action. Personally, I would threaten to report this person, and then do so if the problem persisted. The Bible is clear that these apologies/repentings are not accepted by God either, and that makes sense. That is really not the best example, because usually fake Christians are not really sorry, they just do not care or do not think about their own religion enough to realize how they are not following it. Some fake Christians see the conflict between their lives and what the Bible says, but still do nothing about it.
I have a friend who says he is Christian, but says he disagrees with the Bible in that he does not think it is wrong to have sex with multiple people. He agrees that the Bible is clear in saying such actions are wrong, but he believes his own logic to be superior to the Bible. Now, if he was not Christian then this would not be breaking any logical boundaries and I would not be complaining about it in a blog, but he claims to believe in Christian beliefs. Christianity is based on the Bible, and the Bible is considered the word or inspired word of God. By disagreeing with the Bible he is disagreeing with the one and only almighty creator of heaven and Earth himself! If you are a Christian who disagrees with a clear teaching of the Bible then how are you Christian? The Bible is the oldest records of Christianity, if your brain is a higher source of knowledge than the Bible then you can believe anything, and if you can believe anything then you don’t really belong to an organized religion like Christianity. This bothers me the most because the conflict with the way he lives his life and with what Christianity teaches does not stem from ignorance or laziness about what the Bible really says, it stems from picking and choosing the parts of the Bible that benefit him or that he agrees with and throwing away all the rest. Doing this is not being Christian, it is just making up his own Christian-like religion, and the Bible is very clear that eternal bliss with God is not what he will be experiencing when he dies according to Christianity. I feel compelled to say that I mention my friend as an example because I would guess that there are many fake Christians like him, not to single him out and attack him.
It seems that there are different kinds of fake Christians, I would have to talk with many of them and reread the Bible to make a clear categorization of them based on what they think about their lives conflicting with the Bible and on how their lives conflict with the Bible.
Now to what I wish fake Christians would do. Being agnostic, I wish fake Christians would just throw off their false veil of Christianity and just be who they really are, which is probably agnostic or atheist. Seriously, many fake Christians go to church, but unless they truly enjoy sitting in those pews, they are wasting their time! According to Christianity I am going to hell for not believing, and if Christianity is the one true religion, that sucks for me, but at least I didn’t waste the short amount of free time I have on this Earth going to boring church. Fake Christians are going to spend all of eternity in the lake of fire for blatantly disregarding the rules of the Bible and not legitimately repenting their sins, so they are wasting their time going to Church every Sunday!, Or Saturday, or Wednesday, or whenever. Their other option that would give them my respect would be to repent and this time mean it, and truly live life the Christian way, taught in the Bible.
I used to be a fake Christian, and that is part of the reason why it bothers me inside to see so many people not being true to their religion. The fact that I was a fake Christian helped me decide to stop pretending to be Christian at all, although I should say that what really made me not be Christian was not being able to believe in the more “supernatural” things in the Bible. Now I guess some fake Christians maaaaaay settle down and become real Christians as they get older and have a job and a family, but even then, are you really a good Christian when the only reason you start to follow the Christian path is because it is now convenient for you? Plus, even when fake Christians are settled down, many will probably keep being fake Christians. It would take research to really know if a large amount become real Christians once settled down.
Now, I realize this little argument that I made would be a hell of a lot better if I quoted passages from the bible rather then just saying that claiming belief alone does not get you into heaven and things like that, but to get all the good passages I want would probably require me to reread the whole New Testament, and that is a lot of work to do for a pointless blog that no one but me reads, lol! So yeah, maybe someday later I’ll take that on.
Fake Christians, I am looking at u Mr. R and Mr. Z!!! You know who you are!

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