Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Apparently some Hindus and Buddhists find incredibly beautiful and perfect little girls and worship them like Goddesses. These little girls are called Kumaris, or living Goddesses, and they must have perfect skin, hair, eyes and teeth, no scars, and should not fear the dark. These little girls have to always wear red and have the Indian “third eye”, or little red dot, on their forehead. This is of course one of the most stupid religious beliefs in the entire universe.
Seriously, these little girl Kumaris are wheeled about on chariots in big festivals and worshipers touch their feet and foreheads as sign of respect; apparently these backward people feel all special inside if u touch their forehead, fucking morons. How in this day and age does anyone believe that a Goddess returns in a form of a little girl over and over again, it is just ridiculous. These people who take part in these festivals and believe in this crap that is the Kumaris are making a huge, swollen black eye on the Hindu and Buddhist religions as a whole. At these festivals these people could be celebrating something good, like independence, freedom, or cake. Instead they waste their time worshiping and giving money to little girls.
Now, okay, why must I demean this tradition so much? Sure it is fucking retarded, but it doesn’t hurt anyone, I should let the little Nepalese have their fun without making fun of them. I of course think retarded people who do retarded things deserve to be made fun of, but on the notion that it doesn’t hurt anyone…… it does, The Kumaris themselves.
There are more than one Kumaris at a time, but one main one. The main Kumari has to live her life sequestered in some temple, only allowed to come out 13 times a year. This Kumari can not have friends of her choosing and can not live a normal life. The main Kumari along with the lower Kumaris are not allowed to laugh or smile at all, this is no way for a little girl to live! It is pretty much impossible to have fun without smiling, this means the Kumaris live a life of boredom and slavery! Having to dress up all the time and go to festivals where people touch them, it is lot a life any girl should live. Critics of the Kumari tradition believe that it is child abuse and breaks international and Nepalese labor laws. It gets worse, after the girls are old enough to start bleeding out of their vaginas they are no longer living goddesses, they become former Kumaris. These Kumaris almost never marry in their male dominated society because anyone who marries a Kumari will be cursed and die young. So these girls get dragged along to festivals where people touch them with their grimy hands, live alone, can’t smile, and then when they hit puberty live the rest of their lives in hardship. Not being able to marry and have a family basically ends their life because there is not much else they can do in a male dominated society, especially considering that as Kumaris they did not gain any useful skills growing up.
The reason I decided to spend time writing about Kumaris is because today, July 3rd 2007, I read an AP article about how one Kumari lost her goddess status because she traveled outside of Nepal, which high level Kumaris are not allowed to do. If she is a Goddess, how can simple mortals strip her of her status? Shouldn’t she be able to do whatever she wants, she is a freakin goddess! Even if the rules say she can not leave, she is a goddess, she should be able to change the rules or choose not to follow them if she wants. Clearly these girls are not really treated as Goddesses, they are treated as slaves in some sick little girl fetish that is the Nepalese practice.
Now I look at the situation of the Kumaris and I see how it can benefit me. These girls are chosen for their amazing beauty and perfection, can’t find a man because all the dumb ass Nepalese men think they will be cursed if they marry a former Kumari, so now as beautiful young adults they are desperate. The only bullshit I believe in is the stuff that comes out of a bull’s butt, so I of course do not believe in this curse. I could go to Nepal, find these beautiful, desperate, and “cursed” former Kumaris, and be like HOW U DOIN? I could offer them a way out, and get myself a beautiful Indian wife!!! I love that the inferior cultures of others can be exploited by me! Of course, I have to marry an Asian, or maybe a blue eyed blonde hair elite Arian race girl, so I can not really take advantage of this, but it is still a nice thought; maybe if my policy ever changed for some reason, I could go to Nepal and get me a living Goddess for a wife.

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